
Such an underrated movie.

#MeToo can be a societal good AND Amber Heard can be a liar. Two things can be at once. 

I think its dishonest to say Depp’s evidence is basically only people who are financially connected to him. There were hours of audio from both sides that were heard showing a toxic, horrid reactionship that got violent on multiple occasions, including incidents where she would get violent and others where she

That a blatant lying and abusive narcissist will never be called out by the woke media as long as she is female. 

Boys have a penis. Girls have a vagina.

She is an alcoholic party girl. When someone is drinking two bottles of wine a night if not more, you know they have a problem. She totally has a problem but on multiple levels. It’s been proven by doctors that she has serious mental issues. That was backed up by the audio recordings that made her sound like a raving

“Reddit is full of incels and white supremacists and neckbeards and no one should ever go there, especially you, our readers. Anyway, here’s an article about how one reddit user noticed something in the new Batman movie, and we’ve pretty much copy-pasted it wholesale from there and you could read it there, but this

No, the lesson for people to learn from this is KEEP. THE. RECEIPTS! I know over the next few weeks many sites are going to try to claim that the outcome of this trial has single handedly set back the Feminism movement by 300 years. Ok, I’m being hyperbolic there, but you can’t be. If you feel trapped in a

At the risk of editorializing more than we’re going to editorialize super hardcore here in a minute, we’ll just go ahead and say it: It’s a good thing that Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are not married anymore. Whether you believe the testimony of Depp’s side (mostly made up of people directly financially dependent on

So wait, anyone supporting Johnny Depp and refusing to buy the bad community theater hammed up by Amber Heard is automatically misogynistic? “Shitty Dudes International” wut? Is it that difficult to believe that someone can be a manipulative, vengeful, narcissistic lying gold-digging gaslighter just because that

People express their opinion on the Internet about other people expressing their opinions on the Internet.” Sounds like a great Onion article.

I watched a huge chunk of the trial, and I gotta acknowledge, while there were some putrid, vile comments being made on the Internet by a minority of Depp-supporters, the vast

Here’s a hot take: the phrase and argument behind “believe women” is stupid. It’s the same level of stupid as “defund the police,” where a group of people I’m generally in agreement with advance an argument that goes too far and when it blows up in their face, instead of realizing it’s overreach, they double down and

What have we learned? Don’t marry trailer trash.

“Twitter is a hellscape that no one should visit”

My main takeaway is that the judge is a dumbass for making the trial public.

5. The AV Club will spend a lot of time covering things it claims we'd all be better off ignoring.

Nah...I see a slight increase with both, but then my eyes goes into that whole magic poster/3d mode.

So, who else checked if the top image was animated before even reading the article?

Yes, Mr. Hammer.

The gap between Anya Taylor-Joy and Elle Fanning continues to shrink. Soon we’ll see the rise of an all-powerful Anya Taylor-Fanning.