
DiMaggio told the crowd that if he hadn’t come back, the show was “planning on using guest stars, [and] they were going to replace Bender’s voice each episode.”

Oh yeah, that would have worked. /sssssssssss

While his return to Futurama is worth celebrating, it’s bittersweet to know he–and the rest of the cast–aren’t being compensated as they deserve.

Is there a Futurama theme park ride I am not aware of? An 8th season of an animated show with a cult following, on a streaming service doesn't seem like it would be a huge money maker.

DiMaggio: I’d like to discuss my compensation

Well do you still have her phone number?  Maybe give her a ring and see if she is game?

Don’t be fatuous, Geppy.

Hanks and Zemeckis know they don’t have to do this, right?

He fixes the cable?

It’s simpler than you think: it’s an AMAZINGLY good movie.

Don’t forget Gosford Park from 2001, one of Robert Altman’s last films, and written by the creator of Downton Abbey (which, according to the wiki article, was originally intended to be a spinoff of that movie before becoming its own thing).

Downton Abbey: Violet

Absolutely agreed, well put. I really don't like the first one at all and Top Gun 2: Top Fun is just fantastic. 

Anecdotal, I know, but I know about 10 people going to see it and only one of them would be going if the reviews weren’t incredible. People are saying it’s jingoism, but we are all Irish so that doesn’t really factor into it.

Downton Abbey in the Multiverse of Polite Dinnertime Conversation.

The appeal is nostalgia for the 80's and its particular brand of hyper-patriotic jingoism.

It’s an excellently-made movie, thrilling and funny and sentimental, and an excellent sequel to Top Gun, and it is also at the same time totally inconsequential and will likely leave no lasting mark on our culture.

I’ve got good news and bad new for you, buddy...

It was really good. If nothing else, it was a blast to see the incredible plane footage which was genuinely edge-of-your-seat spectacle.

With multiple viewings, I’ve tried to force myself to like the original Top Gun, but it just doesn’t happen. It’s overrated to me. However, this sequel is something else entirely...

This isn’t even the first! There was one in 2019! I preferred the show when it was called Upstairs, Downstairs and was made in the 20th century.