
Just going to step over the fact that 50% of Neil Young’s catalogue was sold to Blackstone, which is being managed by the Ex-CEO of Pfizer. And Joni Mitchells Catalogue is owned by RESERVOIR and DRI CAPITAL Global leader in healthcare investing, who is heavily invested in Pfizer, Astrazeneca & Johnson & Johnson.


Really don’t know why people are wasting time for this topic

I guess I must be a boomer because I have no idea how you bungle that one up unless you’ve never listened to their music.

“Ugh, golden handcuffs” feels like such a weird take to me. “This company that just bought my company is offering me completely free money as an incentive to stay with no strings attached whatsoever other than being practically guaranteed steady employment and I am still absolutely free to leave if I so wish and

Other than the underpaid narrative writers, there hasn’t been any other news, though. Their Glassdoor reviews sound solid. By the “public spat with Halo’s composer”, you mean the alt right bigot who kept breaching contracts? Yeah, that also doesn’t sound like a Bungie problem as much as a single shithead being a diva.

The same people questioning “Why is Sony buying BUNGIE?” are the same people who keep calling the nearly 5-year-old game that’s consistently on Steam’s top 10 players and revenue lists a “dead game”.

Will Neil Young be trending now? Should we start a “Cortez the killer” TikTok challenge? No, wait a “Keep on Rockin in the Free World” challenge.  

The very unnecessary slideshow format somehow made kinja even less usable. That’s amazing. Give Herb a raise.

Face it, nothing will happen unless the likes of Beyonce, Taylor Swift and Adele pull their music. For better or worse, the music industry in 2022 doesn’t care about aged rockers.

I don’t really have a dog in this fight and don’t listen to Rogen at all, but it looks like he has more than 1,000 episodes of his podcast out there. The doctors he had on represent two of those 1,000+. From where I sit it’s not like Rogen’s on some crusade, he had on (best I can tell) a couple of highly credentialed

I posted something similar the other day, including this 30-day stock chart. It’s been on a pretty severe trend for a while. A year ago it was over $360. The line/dot is on 1/25/22 when Young made his announcement. It actually bounced after that before continuing to slide. Young, Mitchell, etc. are irrelevant compared

What happens to Spotify here will make it interesting for those services.

The thing with golden handcuffs is that if you are really that good, another company will buy you out. But if you’re just average, then it’s best to stay put. Basically, the really good talent will still have opportunities to leave while you’re overpaid for average employees (who were going to stay regardless if there

David Crosby also confirmed that CSNY doesn’t own their music anymore, so I’m not sure that anything from CSNY is being pulled from Spotify. Maybe just solo stuff they still own.   

It’s comforting to know that Jezebel’s policy of resolute refusal to understand basic stock market concepts remains in place even through all the recent staff turnover.

Well said. While I think it’s good to make stands or lines in the sand like this, the reality is that Spotify is an international for-profit company. Losing Neil Young and Joni Mitchell won’t hurt their bottom line. I doubt it will get them to make any changes. However, this may be a great opportunity for other

Spotify didn’t lose $2 billion dollars. It’s market value declined by $2 billion based on future forecasts of slower (not even negative) user growth going into next year, a pattern that also follows for Netflix and other big streamers coming out of the pandemic and has sort of been a part of the discussion for all of

Crosby, Nash & Stills?  Is Earth, Fire & Wind next to go?

Call me when Taylor Swift, Bey and Jay, or anyone else with a deal worth as much as Rogan’s does the same. Until then, this is going the way of the campaign to get Netflix to pull the the Dave Chappelle special. 

Man, people get upset even when money is specifically for developers?