
Barry Bonds did it because he wanted the same attention that Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa were getting.

I bet that’s not even a real guitar he’s playing.

Everyone circling in Boba Fett’s orbit is better at being Boba Fett at this point. Din is what we all envisioned Boba Fett would be. Fennec is more badass than Boba Fett. Cob Vanth is as good of a Boba without Boba Fett’s armor.

She was probably, like me, a secret drug addict. The people I dated & had over & hung out with had no idea.

Idk about a second chance, at least in the world of guitar hero. The apology doesn't really come off as humbled to me, it comes off as someone wanting to remove all evidence of getting caught so they can move on and pretend that it didn't happen. Ie the ego that led them to cheat, is also leading them to delete

Old school Simpsons is best Simpsons.

That’s... actually one of the more gracious ways to admit cheating I’ve ever seen. Admitting, deleting all the fake stuff, and paying back the money. Deleting the socials is probably a wise decision for his own sake. More people should do that regardless of admission of guilt.

They do. You are not familiar with people who abuse drugs apparently.

If you can take advantage of a situation in some way, it’s your duty as an American to do it! Why should the race always be to the quick? Or the Jumble to the quick-witted? Should they be allowed to win merely because of the gifts God gave them? I say, cheating is the gift man give himself!” 

I don’t think people are questioning it for that reason, they’re questioning it because unintentional ODs are relatively common and aren’t really ever “sufficiently” investigated. There’s really not enough info for any armchair detective to decide anything about this case. In a vacuum it’s much more likely that there

You could easily get those in your system from street drugs. Get some cocaine or molly or some opioid and you never know what could be in there. 

What? Where do you think opioid deaths happen? Plenty of people are clearly taking fentanyl while “hanging out at home” and many other places, such as while riding public transportation in Denver. Like literally 100k people a year in the US are dying from doing exactly this type of thing.

Anything they could do with Boba Fett they already did with Mando.  

I get more and more confused by this series each week. I would’ve been very interested to have heard the early pitches and the articulation of how this would relate to The Mandalorian because the episodic narrative structure is perplexing to me. It’s definitely fading in its appeal over time but that was to be

And why the hell are the Pyke cronies shipping spice through an empty goddamn desert? Where is it coming from, and where is it going, and why are they traveling on the ground to do it?

Man Cad Bane came out weird looking. Like Duros already were around in Star Wars live action stuff as background characters, and he doesn’t look like them, he looks like a new species based entirely off how Duros looked in the stylization of the cartoon show. Like the equivalent of Ezra Bridger showing up as a live

Thank you so much for identifying yourself as someone against Luke coming back. It saved me the trouble of reading the rest of your filth.

The brother brought that girl drugs that killed her and her mom can’t deal with the truth that her son is responsible for her daughter’s death so she’s blaming it on White Supremacy. It’s a tragedy. But that date isn’t responsible and she knows it as well as the cops.

She banged a guy she met online just 3 days prior, sounds like she’s on drugs. Sorry, mom.