
Jackie and Arnie  just didn’t learn their lesson from last time, did they?

I would nominate Hudson Hawk as pretty whimsical, though I’m struggling to think of why exactly that was rated “R” in the first place...

My go to was always Eastern Market, just a stones throw away from the Capitol..

If you want to get around state bag bans like these, just buy them yourselves direct from a convenience store supplier!

uhhh. yeah, Splunge for me too!

The commentary track by the South Park crew for their early film “Cannibal the Musical”  is such a track, though it’s more scotch-fueled

Well, maybe a little frothing...

Just put some loudspeakers in the middle of Yucca Flats and let the military go to town, problem solved...

That’s the best part!

Good on Guy Hamilton then for managing to direct four of ‘em with a minimal amount of whining..

If only they had actually filmed it in New York instead of in Boston and on soundstages..

Certainly his definitive role in our household...

I saw what you did there...

But Roberts is still going to be on the new $20 dollar bill though, right?

I believe “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” is technically the third film in the trilogy, as it was going to be how Water (Chinatown), Oil (Two Jakes), and Transportation (Streetcars >Freeways) impacted Los Angeles.