
Don’t forget Sting!

I think most people will remember Bruce Glover from Diamonds Are Forever first and foremost, he’s certainly got a much bigger role in that film than his part in Chinatown as one of Jake’s detective agency flunkies.

This reminds me of that Who concert T shirt you could get with the footprints on it....

“The newpapers were wrong Herbert...”

I lost two A/V receivers to the same thing because I foolishly let my cat sleep on top of them. Looking back, I can’t believe I was stupid enough to allow it to happen a 2nd time before I finally put it in a cabinet.

I’ve always thought of it like this: Which is better measurement of a work of art’s success, how many people saw it, or how much money they paid to see it?

I’m still processing much of it, but I do love that in this version of history, QT allows for Tate’s legacy to be re-written and her future is unknown, with her in full control of her own agency, and that it won’t be defined or overshadowed by her being a murder victim. Good stuff.

Purely a guess, but I’ll bet dollars to donuts Tate is not gonna die in this, Pitt and/or Leo, are gonna kill Manson, and she and Polanski ride off into the sunset. QT is probably sympathetic in this regard to Polanksi, and wants to give him a happy ending.