
The Adventures of Tin Tin” was really the last time we got that kind of score out of him.   

He’s pretty much done conducting live it would appear. As of this year, he has turned over all his annual “Film Night” gigs in Boston over to Keith Lockhart full time.


Thanks for that tip, Len Tukwilla...

Paddling without posting?

You try anything like that around here, young man, and we’ll slit your face!

This goes for any college’s big open green space - if that college receives any financial support from my taxes, I get to walk on it anytime I want, or play Frisbee on it with my dog.

For good or for ill, your average American reaction today..

I have a feeling MA will never let the prices come down until competition comes from New Hampshire and other surrounding states, and there is pressure from retailers on the legislature to ease off on the price gouging.

Now playing

As long as features split screens, lots of overhead camera work, and a 3-minute plus tracking shot, I’m in.

“Surrender to the flavor!

Speak for yourself, I want the ocean to look fabulous..

BF2 is a blast and I honestly don’t know how any fan of Star Wars games isn’t playing it to death.

Pork chops with chicken and rice soup is how my mom used to make it!

Love that scene..