Thom Sharp

It’s about time. Someone needed to bring the hammer down on Mallet. Boom, nailed it.

Your comment and her behavior are both a low blow.

This behavior is clearly unacceptable and below the belt.

Team Doctor: “In my own defense, he should sit out for a safety precaution.”

Well, at least they still have their staunch impregnable wall of a Big 12 defense

FUCK YOU for bringing that moment back into my consciousness!

What about “The Fighting Red-Faced Neanderthals”?.... Just throwing out an idea.

Donkey Kong Does Dallas

“He pulled me out of the car, and drove right Uber me”.

Texas just passed a law permitting referees the right to open carry to prevent these travesties

“I wonder if he has plans for next Saturday...”-Bill Cosby

“Now THIS is exciting stuff!!!” (Goes back to reading the sadly more entertaining, mind-numbing garbage drivel of nonsense of bizarre NFL-Patriots-ESPN love triangle)

Ladies and gentlemen....SOCRATES

This deserves a gold ribbon

That sounds like a personal problem

Easy solution: Hold all lawmakers at gun point until they pass a bill banning guns. If they don’t, shoot one every week there is no progress.

The only thing worse than this is being a cycling fan