
Hey I remember her ! , she used to beat the crap out of me in Tekken Tag Tournament!

Flashpoint is literally the only way to repair the damage, at this point.

Having seen the movie and the reviews, I thought it wasn’t nearly as bad as the reviews. Sure, it’s problematic and it does jump around a lot. But I did enjoy it, because it’s a comic book movie and comic books do that a lot. Sure, it has problems, it’s bloated with too many villains and characters that add nothing to

I’m not saying Trump isn’t racist! I’m just saying it’s a sad time in history now that racism is generally considered a bad thing.

When the space that allows you to think that sort of thinking is permissible, there’s no need to admit that your thinking is faulty. What I think is the bigger issue is that people discount this as some old man yelling about some shit but it really represent a stronger reaction to the progressive movement of the

When he starts playing Paul’s Boutique in the rec room. Prime-Kirk was more into Ultramagnetic MCs and Del tha Funkee Homosapien.

He really was an amazingly talented up and coming actor. After seeing him in Green Room, it felt like he was destined for some great things. Real shame.

Dekker. His name is Fred Dekker.

Is “Fred Dekkar” related to Fred Dekker? ;-)

Sorry, I keep forgetting.

Well, based on purely annecdotal evidence, I’m pretty sure I’ve got an abundance of short allele dopamine receptors in my brain.

Finally. I'm glad to see that at least ONE comic book movie will be dark and gritty. This is serious business, guys.

How long until we give up and start calling him Blogtor Doom?

That's all well and good and everything, but.....

You know, whatever else about the 2005 film, Chris Evans totally NAILED Johnny Storm perfectly: A cocky, womanizing showboat who LOVES he can burst into flame and the first of the group to embrace their lives as celebrities.

You've taught me so much!

You've taught me so much!

whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat they like did a casting call for a blind cat? thass cray.

whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat they like did a casting call for a blind cat? thass cray.

Nor did I claim anyone was.