
It's spelled Dekker Germaine.

Charlie, i had the same thought as i watched the car back up into a mudhole. that is how lazy the show is now. a mudhole. a mudhole got more consideration visually than the death of Charlie. supernatural, i’m out.

Hi Charlie, I absolutely believe that she will be resurrected Frankenstein style using the book.

Blind animals and handicapped animals get a lot more work, no one has to realize why they sit so still. that would be a rad casting call.

Blind animals and handicapped animals get a lot more work, no one has to realize why they sit so still. that would

as the owner of a blind cat that is obviously a blind cat, because they wanted the peaceful closed eyes. but it's straight up uncanny valley shit.

as the owner of a blind cat that is obviously a blind cat, because they wanted the peaceful closed eyes. but it's

the fitness sale link is not working on amazon

The level of craftsmanship and the love exhibited here, ignites the spark of my transformer love that i thought bay-bots had extinguished for life.

Thanks Mom...