
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Humpty Hump!

Fair point.

I don’t think it’s a very bad idea.

Damn. From the lede picture I thought they were bringing back the wig.

It is a show about a kung fu master and the actor playing him can’t do kung fu nor can the director or editors SHOOT kung fu.

I’m not going to lie: the loss of Jane meaning the probable loss of Darcy the worst part of Natalie Portman leaving.

Couldn’t have said this better myself.

Please go into television show making please.

They should have tied it into the Blue Beetle instead of Batman, so the show could just be called Better off Ted Kord.

Can a show be canceled while it plays ?

Actually it would be the perfect vehicle to introduce the next actor to play Wolverine, complete with fourth-wall-breaking comments about how he “looks different.” And the cherry on top would be an appearance by Hugh Jackman as himself. Hopefully with a pot belly because he doesn’t have to work out any longer.

Maybe Ayesha was originally her male counterpart, Adam Warlock, and they gender-swapped the character after McConaughey turned it down.

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.


Eh....I think this is only an issue because oversensitive liberal white folk who can’t use those words don’t understand using words like that to make jokes about yourself or just saying the words in general without censoring ourselves because we can. Remember all the clutched pearls over the president saying ‘nigger’?

kind of a heteronormative conjecture though, no?

The internet says that Tom is worth $4 Million. Not riches by today’s standards, but the wolf is comfortably far from his door. Best of luck, Tom.

I’ve heard it’s a good movie.

Strange: “belch..w-we’ve gotta find the Crimsons Bands of C-Cytorak, Wong.”