
But SJWs are fucking insane, and usually self centered assholes too.

“SJWs” are “fucking nuts.”

There are no random encounters. Both grandia’s have the enemies on the field before you enter battle. There’s also party AI settings to speed up mundane battles. You clearly didn’t even play the game, just copy pasted some complaints from other RPGs and post them here.

Grandia 2 has zero random encounters actually. All enemies are on the screen and you can actually avoid many enemies if you wish to, but then you’re missing out necessary experience for your leveling as well as your upgrading ‘currency’ for magic/skills.

The entire tone of that post is designed to rile up anti-Epic players and pull in the support of Epic fanboys. It feels entirely calculated.

Ah, yet another small developer learns that transparency and direct access to the press is a terrible idea.

Oh ffs just don’t buy the game.

To be honest the Vice president of my employing company pretty much telling me they weren’t looking for good players would be a worse insult than twitter or reddit could possibly make.

responses from multiple you-tubers present pretty much stated no one expected diablo 4.

So the goverment actually moved on a piracy case? i guess at least one extra bulgarian is up for an early retirement...

making games where murder is required for progression will never feel emotional no matter how gory or realistic, because it was never your choice to begin with. like watching a movie, you’ll never feel “i did this”. alternatively games like mgsv, hitman and dishonored have me spend hours and hours rejecting the easy

and I am surprised at white people being surprised that black people kill each other like spiders in a glass jar. Yet everyone acts surprised there is a perception that black people tend to be more violent.

I’m actually from a 3rd word country that had serfdom until 1861 and is semi-feudal in some aspects to this day,

Alright I’m not from USA, but explain to me how this article’s first paragraph isn’t textbook racism ? doesn’t get much better after that I might add.

Curious how a headline that read “(black male celebrity) is a black man” when would be perceived here.

Congratulations your feeding an ever growing cynicism about the world. This article is nothing more than a lazy attempt at racist generalizations. Sub-par click bait in hope of generating Adsense and sponsored listing revenue. Please stop trying to widen the divide, by incriminating broader group versus one loudmouth

I know this is probably going to be taken the wrong way but why you gotta put it as “acting white”. We’re all people. She’s a racist piece of shit, not just “white”. I’m first generation American in my family and hate hearing this type of shit from both sides. It’s partly what causes the rift between cultures. Don’t

know it’s hard to be a minority in america and not have been faced with racist, white people, but as an american of asian descent, i have faced racist black and asian people as well. so, according to your article, i should just generalize and think all blacks and asians are racist? if you want a positive voice in our

I’m white, and was shocked by Rosanne Barr’s vile comments. That said...

Damon, your article’s logic falters in some crucial respects. Even though she’s white, Barr is also Jewish, and 75% of American Jews are still liberals. Yes, I am deeply ashamed by an increasing number of my fellow-tribesmen joining the wingnuts and the Trump team out of greed, ambition, and careerism because, given

white people acting white