fire emblem heroes made them more money than all switch and switch games sales combined, so i guess this is makes sense.
fire emblem heroes made them more money than all switch and switch games sales combined, so i guess this is makes sense.
too bad they’re still evil shaming yuga, i hope next game will have 12 minute monologue about evil being subjective. That ruling over the world with an iron fist is a perfectly valid lifestyle choice and that ultimately the ruling ethos is dictated by power, not by being in the right. Better yet, maybe let the…
The game rewards the stereotypical way-point to way-point crossing icons off your map style gameplay, going full tunnel vision is entrancing and addictive (their design works as intended) but, utterly unrewarding. It’s been less than a month and i can’t remember a single quest, area or character. To answer your other…
I searched for “Nazi” and i got Nazi stuff oh the humanity! seriously though, while i personally like my games politics-free and despite you claiming otherwise, steam has no obligation towards you whatsoever. maybe make your own steam, instead of banding with other hate blogs to bully people “a step in the right…
Whatever happened to “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names will never hurt me”?
jesus christ shut up
Since they know now that he is illegal ICE should round up the family and DEPORT ALL OF THEM.