Thom H.

There’s a reason that if you go to an art museum the plaques don’t have reviews, they have analysis. The same was true of AV Club once upon a time. A work’s flaws, intentional or otherwise, can often be additive in one work when they would detract in another. It’s basically the premise of punk rock, or (to some

juan is a transphobic little whiner lol

Eh, ain’t my thing, but it looks like they had fun making it.

He didn’t reveal who those “certain people” (plural!) actually were and it seems unlikely that he will in the future, but for the record, his co-stars for the majority of the show were Bryan Cranston, Justin Berfield, Erik Per Sullivan, Jane Kaczmarek, and Christopher Masterson.”

thought the same thing: very well could be a producer, etc. but those aren’t big names that drive clicks

Nah, it was definitely the baby playing Jamie in the last season.

Super happy about how many people are going to be pissed off at this for even existing. 

I was gonna say the same thing.  Dozens of people work on a TV show.  Why assume it was one of the co-stars?

He didn’t reveal who those “certain people” (plural!) actually were and it seems unlikely that he will in the future, but for the record, his co-stars for the majority of the show were Bryan Cranston, Justin Berfield, Erik Per Sullivan, Jane Kaczmarek, and Christopher Masterson.

AI is what happens when you couple Google with MS Word for predictive text. It’s a search engine, and not a good one: it’s Bing on weed, and not the good weed. It’s Bing on consecutive day fifteen of smoking some shitty ditch weed its buddy Dogpile sold it for two beers and a bro job, and you’re expecting this strung

Came to make this same point and wondering if Miller has switched pronouns or if this was an error.

The last time that happened was 1984.

I noticed that, and was surprised. The Club, for all its other faults, has usually been pretty good using the right pronouns.

You got a few “he” and “his” up in this piece, I assume just accidents.

good for ezra, last thing they need is more showbiz right now, hopefully getting help and will make positive changes

I’m on board with disliking him for his politics and misogyny, in fact those are the reasons I dislike him. I’m just a little baffled by the whole “snitches get stitches” attitude here. Like, I fully understand the systemic problems with law enforcement in our country, so maybe that’s where you’re coming from? Fuck

A reboot wouldn’t need Richardson, because it’s obvious that at least some time in the intervening 25 years, Jill Taylor 100% would have wised up and left her asshat of a husband. Tim Taylor in 2024 is definitely a divorced sad dad living bitterly alone, unable to grasp how his current state of a affairs is a direct

I love that there are people on this planet who have thoroughly digested all 8 seasons of fucking Home Improvement and want to continue the adventure.

So they’re keeping their head down while dealing with apparently monstrous mental health issues. Shouldn’t we be saying something like “good call, good luck, keep it up?”

The neighbor is dead, one son is a felon, one son doesn’t want to be involved, one son wants a bigger role.