Thom H.

I’m glad that all those fans of the original finally get to see the big question answered: what happened in that apartment previously.

I was really sad to hear about this, though it’s obviously been coming for a long time.

I appreciate your thoughtful take. I felt the same about his apology letter - that it was self-reflective, contrite, remorseful, etc. His wasn’t a small mistake, but he seemed to genuinely realize that, and how it affected his peers, and that at least counts for something. (I also acknowledge that this contrition came

If you genuinely think that I was arguing that it’s justified or okay for people to call victims liars because Louis CK’s essay was criticized, then I’m sorry I didn’t state my point well enough.

Yes, I know from the tone of your comments that you’re not engaging to have a discussion so much as to toss off a fun little bon mot here and there, but I’ve written repeatedly that the letter was an unfairly criticized good start and post-comeback there was a shift away from that incisive self-reflection and remorse.

I don’t think Mr. T is going anywhere. Last week, the Grim Reaper tried to ply his trade with T and was subsequently thrown into outer space, later remarking “Damn! That Mr. T throws helluva far!”

Can we get a wellness check on Mr. T?

And Shelly Duval earlier this week.  I guess she was more a 70s icon 

Dr. Ruth and Richard Simmons on the same day.  Farewell, legends.  The 80s really are over. 

Some of the very best comedians often make jokes about terrible things.

“Jerking off in front of women and tacitly allowing your manager to wreck the career of anyone whispering too loudly about it” comes across as worse to me than distasteful jokes. I’m sure I can share several worse jokes with you. I’m not sure the content of his comedy is the point here.

I think there’s also a complicated blowback of disappointment going on that certainly I experienced and probably other like-minded fans experienced. I’ve been around these sites for a while. When Gawker first put up an article featuring a third-hand account of a Louis accusation I was pretty adamant in the comments

Yeah, I definitely think that was a big part of it. I know from my own personal experience how frustrating it can be when you’re trying to own your shit in conversation with someone who doesn’t owe you that and makes sure you know it. I’m a middle-aged white cishet progressive dude. I’ve had my share of conversations

I totally agree with you. This isn’t meant as an attempt to excuse him in any way, but I’ve always wondered if some of that was “Well, I tried doing the self-reflection thing, and you all said fuck me, so I’m going to play to the cheap seats who say I did nothing wrong.” I remember the credits including a list of

I think part of the reason why his “comeback” material was so aggressive was because his open letter, which was more reflective and remorseful than any other response from a man accused of misconduct, was basically dismissed out of hand. I think his letter was earnest, but when the response was “fuck you, not good

I often work with people who are getting out of prison and I help them find work and get on with their lives. I don’t know what more people want from those who victimize others besides: recognize the bad behavior, make amends (and/or just sincerely apologize) to those hurt, and, most importantly, not repeat the

Yeah, I had a similar reaction when that statement first hit. I found it to be thoughtful and genuine.

I’m not a sexual assault apologist, [I spent four minutes looking for a gif of Rachel Dratch yelling “I’m huuuuumannnnn!!!!” and couldn’t find it :( ]

There’s no blueprint or expectation for what a return looked like, and it would be silly if he was apologizing all the time, but when the “long time to step back and listen” amounts to returning six months later with “golly that sucked for me” material, it just recontextualizes the contrite attitude of the letter a

The Mike Pence “never be alone in a room with a woman other than your wife and possibly not her either” rule is a bit much but I would definitely support a “never even try to take a bath with your nanny” rule.