Thom H.

Time for a re-do of the whales movie!

I liked all 3 films to be honest. But I understand that at their very base they weren’t very “Trek-ish”.

But I’m starting to feel like the world doesn’t want me in itbeing the butt of the joke every single time because of how I look…

 She should’ve just apologized and paid half of what she’s paying her lawyers to the dancers.

WB loves money, but Zaslav...

my character being picked apart by people who don’t know me and disrespecting my name. I didn’t sign up for this shit

Not a Hollywood running gag, but I continue to find hilarity in WB sitting on its own Star Trek + Star Wars + X-Men franchise: the Legion of Super-Heroes. What's the hold up? Do they not like money??

Clarissa was an essential part of my childhood. I’m glad nothing bad has come out about it... so far. Whenever I channel-surfed and landed on Schneider’s shows, they just seemed awful in comparison. Not that Clarissa was prestige TV. It just wasn’t funny to me. That was a nicely-worded statement from Joan-Hart.

Nearly every minute of this rebooted Star Trek has fucking sucked.  In Beyond, the entire motivation for the villain and the entire movie was three sentences in a boring fight scene.  JJ Abrams sucks, this reboot sucks, they have no idea what the fuck they are doing.  Because of this we got Star Trek: Disco, for which

She’s right, but also... look out, Isabella! *link to article about Martin Scorsese’s thoughts about Marvel movies

The joke is that Star Trek 4 came out 38 years ago.

Trump is definitely the leader of a still on going coup against the United States and is probably guilty of espionage for Putin’s Russia and other hostile foreign powers like Saudi Arabia and China. Why he hasn’t been executed for these heinous crimes is proof positive of our failure as a nation to have equal justice.

Their “no victim” argument is totally a double-standard for Trump. I’m sure if every immigrant home-owner decided to re-assess and undervalue their property to avoid paying taxes, the GOP/Fox News crowd would lose their goddamn minds.

And as Jon pointed out to those who didn’t already know, there are plenty of victims. Whether it is the banks that have to pass on their losses to the rest of us or him cheating the government out of money, he has definitely taken money from the general public.

I said it way back in 2018 when Splinter News was still a thing and we just learned about the Daniels payments—-he’s never going to jail no matter what he does.

If I deliberately shoot at someone and miss, technically nobody has been harmed, but I’m still guilty of attempted murder. It’s insane that Republicans are trying to excuse fraud, an actual crime, because there’s “no victim.” That’s not how fraud works!

Well, the media (and us, by extension) keep falling for it, don’t they? “Ooh, they’ve really got him now! He’s gonna have to face the music this time!” It’s what they were all saying after Muller, after the first impeachment, the second one, the insurrection hearings, each of the four insurrections, and now this

Sort of like anyone I know who was declared themselves as ‘hating drama’ have been the most insufferably dramatic people I’ve ever known. 

In the immortal words of Norm MacDonald: