Thom H.

So what you’re saying is it’s about ethics in tabloid journalism.

She released the photo because she thought that would put all the talk to rest, not because she wanted it to ramp up. That ended up being a huge mistake, of course, but it’s not like she was hoping the photo would spur more discussion.

I’m no fan of the monarchy or the royal family, but waiting a few weeks to tell the entire world that you have cancer, giving your young kids a little bit of time to process it privately, all while the jackals on social media are making up conspiracy theories... seems fair to me.

Like Kimmel said in his monologue last night, “Leave this woman alone.”

clamoring for details about a stranger’s private life”

Once again we have learned that the internet is full of awful people that should mind their own business.

Fuck cancer. And I hope the people who spent the past few weeks clamoring for details about a stranger’s private life feel a little bit bad about themselves after this news.

It’s interesting, because I think the failures have been more on the high-profile organizational side - failures of organizations like Times Up. But I think it’s profoundly shifted the industry, even if it hasn’t unmasked every PoS in it (and there are a lot!). The people at the top will sadly always be more

I just want to share, because I think sometimes it’s easy to feel despair when dealing with these huge entrenched problems: In my experience the impact of ‘Me Too’ has been absolutely seismic. 

After a few years to think it over, what I’ve currently settled on is that the movie’s major problem is how we see hardly anything of their relationship before Harper’s family comes into the picture, which means the movie can talk all it wants about how great a person Harper is most of the time, but all we see is her

Roddenberry kind of famously wanted to cut Measure Of A Man. I feel like that kind of torpedoes any arguments he had the right sensibilities in the late 80s.

unfortunately, that’s politics. model minorities and all that...
i remember when marriage equality was the hot legal issue; i was working at a glbt center and was told by the more mainstream gay organisations to keep very very quiet about things like domestic violence and sexual assault in the community because that

Roddenberry went over budget for TMP, and everybody involved had a miserable experience making it (that’s one of the main reasons why Nimoy wanted to get Spock killed in a sequel), partly due to Roddenberry developing a massive coke habit (once he started to work with the film guys) and failing to rework a so-so script

DS9 violated a bunch of Gene Roddenberry rules (no religion, no wars, no inter-personal conflict) and is the best Star Trek there is.

RS also reports that “nearly every source” they spoke to grappled with whether or not to come forward due to the current pressure of right-wing anti-drag bills, but all said they want “Pierce—not the queer community—to bear accountability for the allegations.”

Maybe he didn’t know they were filming.

that includes crew members not making out with each other

You had to know it would be all horror and porn.

I think I could get behind Bambi: The Reckoning if it was animated in the style of the original.

If you’re one of the freaks who gave the $50,000 “what if Winnie the Pooh stabbed people” slasher a whopping $5 million at the box office, you legally owe the rest of us an apology.