Thom H.

Scarlet Johansson, obv.

BuT t0LkIeN wRoTe BiLl MuRraY aS A wHiTe MaLe!!!?!!!1!!!

They should all play him, like in that Bob Dylan movie where multiple actors played the singer. 

Per Frank Wilhoit (not to be confused with Francis Wilhoit):

IDK, I think the cover is sexy as hell. Granted, I’m not pee-my-pants terrified of women, so maybe that’s the difference.

KStew’s movies are hit-or-miss for me, but I’m here for her giving zero fucks about what the troglodytes want. I hope her final form is “the Li’l Nas X of cinema”.

The whole reaction just makes clear that conservative men expect women to cater to their boners all the time.

Being right-wing is either about trying to ‘win’ the love of your distant, neglectful conservative parents, or it’s about becoming the abuser so that you feel safe from your abusive conversative parents. Or both.

Wow, all of these comments: we miss you, Splinter.

Even if they did see either or both, I think Miyazaki is just that big of a name, and comic book movies are still comic book movies to many people. I really enjoyed The Boy and The Heron, and think it’s beautiful. But it looks and feels like a Miyazaki movie, of which there over a dozen, and isn’t his best. The only

Hard disagree on that.  If The Boy and the Heron was up against Into the Spiderverse,  that would be a hard choice but not this match up.  I liked Across the Spiderverse a ton but The Boy and the Heron was just a better film 

Spider-Verse was better in just about every way. It was like a movie from the future. But voters probably didn’t even see either movie, and just voted for Miyazaki.

I feel like once he’s dead I’m gonna keep going.

Of all the weird things about Trump, and there are too many to count, his obsession with TV ratings is definitely one of them.

As long as he breathes, I will never turn down a chance to mock Trump. 

I mean, two filmmakers as influential as Kenneth Anger and Terence Davies left as a footnote... it hurts.

Agreed. No one wants to squint past the dancers in the foreground to see the list; I don’t know why they insisted on doing it this way again.

Perhaps because I’m a bit older, but I wouldn’t mind if “In Memoriam” was longer than 5 minutes. I feel like there’s always someone I didn’t realize was gone, and I also feel like they deserve their time.

There shouldn’t be anything else going on on-stage while this is running.  Just run the video.  Nothing should distract from the remembrance.

Isn’t Dilemma about an affair or something like that? They were just using cloud sharing excel files to keep their secret love from being discovered.