I would agree - O'Neill was not simply the artist here. They work exceedingly closely on these. Did you know it's still running? They are doing a spinoff about Nemo's family.
I would encourage you to finish the series - that is, series 1, series 2, the Black Dossier, and ESPECIALLY the new ones - Volume III: Century, which covers the 20th century in all of its horribleness yet ends on a positive note of hope, sacrifice, and redemption. It is an exceedingly rewarding series to invest in,…
If you think there is no hope in Moore's work, then you haven't read League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
exactly. Those feelings come from the fact that you are not in a situation which amends itself to the behaviors common in society, so you are called to react differently. It's really easy to think "man, I was a dick at that moment" after the fact, because you are looking at the event through rational eyes, but when…
You have excellent survival and leadership instincts, and did the best you could, Ben. It's a rare skill. People think that everyone is going to panic and go nuts when things like this happen - they don't. 90% of people stand around in a haze because they have never been in this situation before and have no basis on…
not safe for WERK
oh my lord there's blood all over the ground in that one pic
Jesus. At least people are doing something. I understand how fun it is to make fun of white people (but seriously, all entrepreneurs in the rust belt are white priviledged men? ugh) but COME ON. If people aren't getting blamed for moving out of a city towards economic prosperity, they're getting blamed for taking…
Got to come up with a good way of preserving the tires. Otherwise I like the oil idea - kind of like 'canning a car'.
I live in Pittsburgh and am going!! will report back
THIS GAME IS COMING TO PITTSBURGH THIS WEEKEND AND I AM SO FREAKING PLAYING IT!!!!!!!!!!! The Pinball Championships are in town and he brings like the only extant cabinet to play.
timely gif use! Actual Relevance! 8/10 would gif again.
Me too! I think the writer's done a good job if they make you hate the character, if that was their intent. Many people get this idea that main character = protagonist when life isn't ever like that.
THEORY - F. Scott Fitzgerald is the Lena Dunham of his generation