my fellow commentors are right. it refers to that puckering kissy fishy face (i.e., really femme look). Some may use it, however, with vaginal undertones.
my fellow commentors are right. it refers to that puckering kissy fishy face (i.e., really femme look). Some may use it, however, with vaginal undertones.
me too - looks like the kind of super car we'd have in the apocalypse.
I think you just have to be realistic about your dreams. for instance, my dreams are to pay the bills, make as much of what I consume as possible, have a kick ass garden, leave the earth better than I entered it, appreciate the beauty around me, have a few great kids, love the crap out of my wife, and emulate Christ…
god that is the best graphic.
It's not wheat that's triggering your cravings, it's carbs. Good for you, sticking to low glycemic foods.
aaahh, Jagoff. The universal Rustbelt transliteration of unbridled dickery. As a Pittsburgher, I thoroughly approve.
Yeah you had a pretty good lead on him there. Super excited for the new show keep up the greatness.
in what universe does the jeep beat the viper????
wow this is making me think camaro. was leaning challenger but the glasshouse and front wheel placement look much more like a camaro.
I, too, have felt this urge. Very Hunter S. Thompsony urge to drive into oncoming traffic or off a cliff.
Gonna have to agree with 75% of the people posting on this, that's not keying. The lines are exactly parallel and end at the same point, even the part where the line bends back and is crooked is parallel. Someone opened their door into your car, then shut it. in and out. plain and simple. I used to work in autobody,…
you can already 3d print a 3d printer. From RepRap -
man you're hard to please. I'm just glad a company like morgan still exists, churning these things out for me to pine after.
Don't you talk about laudanum like that. WE ARE BROS.
Right, because they just take that big ol' bag of cows and set it on fire. Same thing, sure.
God I just love you more every day.
Bigface Guy from that movie is HORRIFYING.
bwaaahaaaaa +1
I love stuff like this, and kudos for mapping it. You may want to check out which is an excellent resource for linking people. It'd be interesting to flesh this out a little bit, month by month, adding shows and people. Maybe the internet comedy database? need folks like WillArnett on here to really flesh…