Thomas Oakheart

Wow, that’s not even, like, generic Pieta Plagiarism. That’s straight up copy/paste with the costumes/colors overlaid.

Pretty bold move biting Michaelangelo’s Pieta and casting Tony as Christ.

So they’re blaming violence on their games with, essentially, “men making games for men. Those ugly, knuckle-dragging idiots.”

I just tried to escape the election for a few moments by checking Kotaku.

It’s nice when a person sees what ya did there. Hope you have a awesome day man. Peace.

Yeah, I am confused. I did an eyeroll about the “protecting family and belongings” bit, but gun safety classes seems like a top notch idea.

How is promoting “gun and safety classes” cause for alarm? Hollywood mythologizes guns to the point where many onscreen depictions are inaccurate. If someone picks up a gun, thinking it works the way it does in movies, someone is going to get hurt. It might be them, it might be someone else, but someone will be

Fuck your politics kotaku.

Okay, I didn’t make this, so it isn’t eligible for submission, but I thought it might help punctuate the competitive overtone here.

What Norman Reedus was really cring about.

I cannot stand Gawkers far left one sidedness or politics in general for that matter, so it stands to reason I also don’t enjoy loading up Kotaku to see crap that should be on Gawker.

Yeah let’s ban cars and knives too since those kill more than guns per year too.

I’ve been shooting all my life and the only time the noise changes is when the pin drops on an empty chamber or the stripper clip pings out on the last round. In a defense situation it’s normally followed by a curse of some sort and you being shot.

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