Thomas Oakheart

I know! They released the OVAs on Netflix labled as season two and I almost hyperventilated the other day before realizing what it was.

How do I downvote you?

weird how I prefer reading about Eve Online than actually playing Eve Online

I don’t mind choosing a white actress for the role, because frankly, 95% of anime characters don’t look like japanese people, or western people for that matter. They just look like anime characters...

The best part is all these children are going to pay money to see it when it does come out just so they can b**ch about it more. The movie doesn’t look that bad, as a big Ghost in the Shell fan I definitely get the shows vibes from it but I also don’t think it’s going to be groundbreaking or fantastic, it’s going to

A robot is played by a white person. How can anyone possibly enjoy it knowing that Calculon is currently out of work?

oh look! lots of people judging a movie before they’ve even watched it.

It’s possible to despise the man and still be outraged at his rights being violated.

All that is based on one hit piece you read? You sound ignorant.

Cartel if joking or serious

that they are actually offended by this is unboliviable.

for me I’m just bummed I can’t really jerk it to this game. damn SJW and their fascist stuff and things

That’s really cool. I’ll agree that more games should probably do this. Personally I prefer games that are more fantastical and less realistic, all the way down to character design. I like the power fantasy of playing a badass female character, but the sex appeal / sexuality of it is also very important to me and

Has people not watched Tanya? Jesus :/

You used two screenshots of two different games that used gamification of the nazi horrors for fun and profit. Yet you seem to have issue with this. Seems hypocritical.

damn im the opposite. III has been my favorite of the bunch.

So basically the trump haters were the violent fascists in your anecdote. Good to know.

It’s borderline depressing how “meh” the Switch is right now. I preordered one on Amazon to secure it, thought about it for a week, and cancelled. I have hopes that it will turn into a great console in time, but I’m not exactly betting on it - not with how Wii-U-esque this all feels.

This really just makes the Switch seem incredibly incomplete, at least where its software and online support is concerned.