Thomas Oakheart

I hope they add jet packs!!

Heaven forbid we have to play an entitled white male

YES! Disappointment comes early this year.

You need to jerk harder bruh, It’ll come in time.

I watched five minutes of one of his videos once and that’s all I could handle.

So its ok to rename Columbus day but not MLK day? Ok cool.

You must have bad luck. I got mercy, road hog, pharah, and ana. I also got anas’ candy animation.

I like the ad for L4D in the cover picture.

What a bro-tastic non-inflamitory answer. Gj, bruh.

Wow wtf happened to this comment. I say in 5I_I |°3r 1337 speek how I hate shit politics mixed in with my video game and anime news (Now I need to add reddit reposts/rips) and the world falls apart.

Im a massive geek, I suffer from the love of sci-fi, anime, and video games. I also own 3 firearms.

Fuck your politics kotaku.

We have some statistic in the office but its like 93% of our accidents are caused by tract conditions not human factor 3% caused by trainees and 4% by guys with 20+ years on the job. Give or take a number or two becuase Im remembering off the top of my head. By far the largest cause of fatalities caused by trains are

Im a railroad engineer for a class 1 railroad. I have no idea why anyone would want to be a railroader. The pay is good but everything else is garbage. 12 hours on 10 hours off. You work off an extra board and are on call 24/7/365. The unions are turning to crap and the class 1 railways are in the first stages of

Then you have to deal with that crap playstation controller. The playstation controller is so bad thats why a majority of games on PS are thirdperson. Keep your spider man, all you do is make people with the other console bitter. Thank god FFXV is coming to xbox.

Funny thing is that I have 3 pistols, 2 shotguns, and several models of semi auto rifles. Not a single one of them or myslef have shot anything other than paper targets. Thankfully you fine folks want to take my guns away because.....?

Damn, hit the nail on the head there.

Ive never bought a Telltale game because I can just watch them on youtube. Tales from borderlands was the best.

Where can I watch the full match?

Stopped reading when you said Reddit is anti woman, Reddit is anti everything. Freaking agendas.