ThomasMüller ugly af

Mexico was literally an extra time US goal away from not qualifying four years ago..............

Yeah, I’m not a MLS stan. Keep parroting fucking Bill Haisley though, it sure makes you look intelligent. No one is even talking about the MLS. The only reason you bring that up is because Billy constantly harps on it.

I’m from Sweden so the only thing I know about american football is that I fucking can’t stand Tom Brady

People always talk about hockey fights as super-manly, but come on. It’s all sound and fury. They’re wearing helmets and throwing punches with no legs behind them. Of course the refs let them keep fighting. I’ve seen harder blows landed in grade-school slapfights than in that video. Come back to me when a hockey

“The initial photo was not clear”

Yeah, this is a no on this particular play. Anyone with one good eye could see that.

Nah, I’m good with my double bacon cheeseburger. You do you tho

That’s not the reason, actually. MLS isn’t a Ponzi scheme, it’s more like a money-laundering scheme. My suspicion is that every MLS owner is making a fuckton of cash from SUM that isn’t publicly on the books, that way they can claim they are losing money and pay the players jack and shit.

Americans for Prosperity is straight-up “turn America back to pre-trust busting, zero regulation, horrifying labor abuses, and fuck consequences late 19th-century America”. Anyone who isn’t a literal robber baron with a top hat and cane shouldn’t give a single goddamn what AFP says.

Its Office Space man, c’mon now.

shit, man, i’m all messed up

It was certainly written in a more sympathetic tone than it would have been had this actually been a 30-something man. I doubt his pain would have been acknowledged. And she wasn’t 13 forever.

I’m so fucking sick of this shit. Not one person in the military has “fought for my freedom” so stop saying it. And as far as the sacrifices they made, it’s a dangerous job sure, most likely taken because of a lack of options. I don’t hate military people, but I don’t feel the need to thank them. For what exactly?

As a soccer fan, my solution is no commercials except during halftime. Amazingly these soccer leagues are able to generate revenue without constant Papa Johns breaks.

I don’t know, chiming in on a soccer thread to tell everyone you don’t enjoy soccer is pretty boring and pointless.

Wow. This thread is a microcosm of what’s wrong with contemporary American liberalism as a comprehensive political movement.

The same could be said for the author, no?

Oh dear. Looks like I should have added “1!11" at the end after all.

“There’s a lot of hearsay going around town that I’m not a good mother and it’s my fault and if I hadn’t let my son out, it would have never happened to him. So I’m getting a lot of negativity,” she says.