ThomasMüller ugly af

Deadspin’s coverage of the World Cup has been horrible.

Does his family still live in Egypt? (yes) Is Egypt still run my a violent autocratic military regime? (yes) Did agents of the regime arrange for all these meetings and interactions with another shitty regime? (yes) Would he like his family and friends in Egypt to not be harmed? (yes).

I mean, come on Billy.

I always think the “I’m sorry if I offended you” apology is weak, but it’s especially weak in this instance. They’re not sorry they’re Nazis, they’re sorry we know they’re Nazis.

A lot. MLS isn’t exactly a top-flight league but does great attendance numbers and international footie is now a big draw on television. When I was in college 10-12 years ago, you had to subscribe to the deepest part of cable to even see EPL, now it’s really easy to see the top Euro stuff on even basic cable. The

ur mom is a functional ball handler

This is especially embarrassing for Drake if you consider the fact that he doesn’t even write his own cusses.

Drake’s never met a Kendrick who couldn’t completely embarrass him.

This is mostly because of the (partly deserved) narrative of his lackadaisical defense. He has mostly corrected that the last couple years - which is really fucking ironic because he’s with No D’Antoni now.

I love this site but maaaaan are the basketball takes frequently very bad. Very Round Numbers MVP was among the worst.

Yeah seems like an overreaction.

Don’t forget about my Houston Hotshots now.

I wonder what the US broadcasters pay them. I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets a whole lot more here too. I’m not a fan of his, I’m a casual tennis fan, and I’m from New York (where he’s from and is seen at sports I do follow), so take this with a grain of salt, but McEnroe seems like the most recognizable personality

I’m sorry for your loss. That was very brave of you to share.

Not bad for a retirement league.

Looks like Billy decided to shut up about MLS for once. I wonder why?

If Emperor Caligula can truly end Tiberius’ treason trials, that would be going down as a great emperor and a restorer of the Republic, and there’s no way around that. That is the reality here.