
What terrorists? What terrorist groups are Iran supporting? And before you say the Houthis, there is no physical evidence beyond the US government saying “there’s evidence, trust us. We lied about 9-11 and Iraq, and the Contras, and the Gulf of Tonkin, and damn near everything, but this time we’re full on honest!”

Uh... His office is the one that ramped up aggression with Iran to begin with by dropping out of the agreement and throwing a pile of sanctions at the country after the UN found that Iran wasn’t in any violation of any agreement they have as a nation.

US interventionist history in the middle east has us all concerned of false flag narratives to justify further military conflicts in the region. I hope most people remember the build up to Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts were based on lies and fabrication by the Bush/Cheney white house. We are still paying for those

I don’t think anyone is going to dispute the Iran narrative, strictly based on Trump being President. However, I do take objection to Trump acting like the US military is a purchased resource that other countries can direct.

Which is funny because most of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia... 

All likely valid points, what the Media doesn’t tell you is that Saudi Arabia has been committing genocide in Yemen for over a year now..... Also Saudi is performing those acts with US/Canadian supplied weapons.

you could soon pay up to nine dollars more to fill up your F-150 at the pump

she helped create the consumer financial protection bureau before she even held political office. she’s been beating the drum of class warfare since being elected senator in 2012. take your head out of your ass.

“The DNC is supporting Warren, not Biden. Biden is a ruse for her to assume leadership.

““Eat the rich” and “vote for the ‘capitalist to [her] bones’” are somewhat...contradictory programs.”

Eh. I think Sanders and Warren are often describing the same goals, but using different terms. Warren’s plan for what she might call a highly regulated capitalism is not so much different from what Bernie calls his democratic socialism.

Exactly - the only big difference between Sanders and Warren on that front, that I can see, is that Warren says she’s fine with capitalism and Sanders doesn’t, but it’s not like Sanders is somehow LESS capitalist than Warren, policy-wise.

Yet what is the practical difference between Warren and Sanders when it comes to the distribution of wealth? Or how the economy operates? A problem is that capitalism and socialism are really broad terms and if you’re not precise about what you mean by one or the other then it basically becomes meaningless sloganeering

So Trump believes what he says?

“shit named sue”, I owe you no explanations. You are just a piece of Nazi garbage and only an enemy to be defeated. It’s good that you savages are in the minority. We will destroy your hate.

It strikes me as absurd, then, to knock Warren for being wonky. Inequality can only be solved by growing the power of organized labor and, even more importantly, via the tax code. The tax code is wonky. Tax policy is wonky. It is also the most powerful tool for fixing what ails us.

Warren’s annual wealth tax on the very rich is, to me, the single most radical policy proposal of any candidate in the race, and would do more than any other single policy to alter the imbalance of economic and political power in this country.

I will easily vote for either.

Shocked HamNo was allowed to publish this before Splinter’s Bernie-or-bust editors could squash it.

I don’t care about Bari Weiss.