
You have it backwards. The GOP candidate made it across the finish line despite being endorsed by the president.

If a GOP candidate needs to be pushed across the finish line in order to win a district that has been solidly red since the 1960s and that Trump won by 16 points, that doesn’t bode well for districts that Trump and the other GOP candidates barely won in 2016 and 2018.

Gary Busey.

I guess I’ll never get to the cool kid’s lunch table now.

I’ll stay in the Grey’s, but there isn’t any country out there that is this utopian dream you wish for. When Bush, err Scotter Libbey exposed that covert CIA agent, im sure some of her contacts were killed, she could have been killed. You can't scream foul here and then ignore with Chelsea and Snowden. And I say this

Snowden ran off to be protected by Vladimir fucking Putin. Just let that sink in...Putin thinks this guy is doing good work. You really want to support and protect that guy?

Manning’s about the only one in that trifecta of fuckery worthy of any kind of respect. She fucked with OPSEC something serious, and definitely violated her oath of service to the military, but at least she had the courage of her convictions required to face the consequences of her actions.

Snowden leaked his info to

How do you reconcile the fact that the state you’re so gung-ho to protect are fucking war criminals?

I like to stay out of jail, and keep my wife and business partners from losing their shirts after putting their trust in me.

“I think people like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning are heroes,” she said. What a breath of fresh air!!

I don’t think it’s fair to blame Splinter for, like, two jackasses in the comments.

Bipartisanship for Republicans just means Democrats shutting up and voting on whatever terrible bill they’re trying to push through lest they be accused of being troop hating socialists. 


Jesus... you shoot a rabbit with a .308 and there’s not going to be a whole lot of meat left to cook.. that amount of kinetic energy would pretty much explode a rabbit if hit center-mass.

Got a proposal for a solution, or is our weird gun fetish and resulting violence just “one of those things?”

Its particularly ironic that Splinter and the “squad” continue harping about race, while literally just a few months ago, the Congressional Black Caucus backed Pelosi’s speakership bid over one of their own members, Marcia Fudge. No doubt the CBC would be happy to hear from a bunch of misguided bloggers about why they

Jacob Wohl and UFOs?