
Ooof. Sorry this movie was terrible. Just... terrible. In desperate need of editing.

How many more times does all this have to be debunked? The Navy themselves debunked it and nobody listened.

Aw. Sweetie. Reality ruin your pew pew space man fun time?

Of course this is an excuse to post dog stories. Like Zoom calls are really about meeting your dog.

Ah. The inevitable “it’s teh librulz fault!”

Cull yourself and lead by example. 

Our toddlers are cute!

Is Mr. Fantastic then going to finally catch the evil Hillary Von Clinton for her crimes in Benghazi? Glacticus will reveal his conversion to Islam! Or will they save the rightwing soliloquy against socialized healthcare for the credit sequence?

I thought the same thing. But then I realized that Jon is born white and will be forever White to the Klan. No matter how he looks now. His visage now is essentially (blue-) Black Face as far as the racists are concerned. Pretend blackness. Which makes it not even worthy of notice.

This advice is clearly from someone who does not travel very much and for people who don not travel very much.

So we’re going to vent our spleens at a washed up porn star today? Is that where we’re spending our outrage?

I can admire Moores contributions to a genre that, up until that time, was fairly immature and he introduced complicated themes and adult” stories into popular works.

What a very odd take.

Jean Smart is a national treasure.

I really avoided this show (for reasons that will be apparent), but it’s very, very good so far. Like really good.

It may not be a failure of the philosophy and necessity of feminism but’s it’s certainly a failure of how that philosophy is projected out into the world.

What? 37% is ridiculously high!

If civilization ever survives this suicidal age of indulging the idiot whims of perpetual adolescent dipshit billionaires we’re going to have seriously invest in science and critical thinking education.

What a bunch of reflexive axe grinding attention seeking bullshit. That comment was succinct and fair. Go fuck yourself you worthless troll.

Oh for fuck sake. Total nonsense. It is nothing but a form of deliberate fraud and theft that steals peoples money.