
Oh. Christ. We asked the Kurds to help us. WE ASKED THEM. And they did. For almost thirty years. We made deals. We need to honor those deals. It’s that simple.

Oh for fuck sake. Did you not read the article? 

This is where it is important to remember even after everything we knew about Donald Trump that even then 46% of the women that voted in 2016 voted For Donald Trump. 46 god damned percent. Until we can understand and reconcile that disturbing fact there will be no movement forward. Ever.

Yes. Now you got it. Absolutely. Because Trump is a dog shit liar that Trolls like you apologize and enable every day, Warren gets a free pass. I knew you’d get it eventually. 

Look at that dudes posting history. He posts here dozens of times a day, EVERY day. Taking on all comers in endless contradictory, exhausting, fallacies.

Hahaha. You just started off with a laboriously worded and tedious “whataboutism!” Whatever the spectrum  is that you’re clearly on doesn’t have the savant part of idiot savant. 

Oh Christ. There it is the ‘ol Concern Troll Paradox.

And as for the Proud Boys. Yes. They are costing cities money. That tactic is WORKING. It’s a form of extortion. The police, who it turns out on social media are highly sympathetic to the Proud Boys and other White Supremacist movements, often turn their backs completely when PB employ violenc. (And, it Also turns

How about we scrutinize more carefully those individuals that are stockpiling arsenals. And forbid further purchase of weapons from people promoting violent ideology.

You’re not a Republican law maker in Nevada, Idaho, eastern Washington and eastern Oregon. They used those events in campaign materials as a POSITIVE. Guys like Matt Shea in Washington used former militia organizers as campaign volunteers. And the fact that none of those dirt bags went to prison when just a decade ago

Sooooo... until there’s genocide we’ve nothing to worry about? Jesus Christ. You realize the killing starts after all the other dominoes fall, right? Are you really this god damned stupid?

There was no social media or sophisticated use of the internet when OK City happened. And for fuck sake a group of militias who pointed guns at federal agents and seized federal property basically became mainstream political movements with mainstream media acceptance in 2014 and were wholly accepted into the

What? Trump got elected on a platform of creating a nationalist ethnostate! Jesus. Where the fuck have you been? The parallels between Trump and Milosevic are uncanny. Steve Bannon openly and proudly admits to being a nationalist. In fact Steve Bannon in 2014 outlined exactly what he admired about Milosevic and the

Hi. I’ve lived and served in two countries that fell into violent chaos where, in the days and months before, people smugly and confidently said exactly that sort of “people have too much to lose” stuff.

Oh. And I note you still have yet to produce a credible cite for your sudden claim of American casualties, IE “thousands of Americans killed” by Iran. Which would be at least say 2,000 if words and numbers have any meaning to you. Which is hardly a given.

Oh. For fuck sake you disingenuous cretin:

It doesn’t. It informs why Iran is so hostile and reactive to US foreign policy and military presence the region.

I think killing thousands of Iranian civilians abroad during peacetime counts as “attacks”. If you don’t then we will never agree.

He paints the Iranian regime as simply an outgrowth of US policy with no agency of their own.

Nobody here has “defended” Iran. Giving honest historical context is not “defending” anyone.