
Oh. for fuck sake. WE have attacked and provoked them “many times” through proxies. And directly. We have killed thousands of Iranian civilians. Thousands.

“You failed spectacularly.”

Oh. For fuck sake. Really? This is what we’re doing? Jesus Christ. We’re moralizing how superior our TV tastes again? Is this fifth grade?

Exactly right. Morons are not born. They are created.

But we HAD a sexy scandal — literally — and it did nothing to move the “average voter.” The reality is the average American voter is a god damn feckless moron with no moral center.

It’s different because there was a critical mass of power broker republicans in 1972 who had some sort of principles. And those republicans all got their news from he same gatekeepers the democrat did.

How the fuck is this inscrutable, complicated, or obtuse,

Jesus Christ. This is like deja vu all over again. This is the kind of shit my mother said. “I’ve smoked for thirty years and I’ve never been sick a day in my life.”

So public health official FINALLY get ahead of a burgeoning health crisis before millions of people die... and... that’s a panic?

Important note: It is NOT a “transcript.” 

“He didn’t collude with Russia. That was very clear in the Mueller Report.”

No way. Those idiots can’t memorize a script!

A great deal of this is weaponized alt-right astro turfing trolls. Keep your eye on the goal, people. Don’t fall for this shit again.

Oh. He’s definitely not a bot but IS a troll. But allowing him to steal a bit of attention to utterly humiliate him before an audience provides a few sad moments of humor to me.

Yeah. This is the president the dipshits on the right claim won’t get (or hasn’t already got) us into a war. It’s shocking he hasn’t accidentally picked up the red phone to order pizza and inadvertently launched a nuclear strike on Sweden.

I’M all over the place? HAHAHAHA. Dude, you just claimed to have secret knowledge f a complete nuclear weapon in Iran!

If proxies matter and your argument is “Iran is bombing Saudi oil fields” then Donald Trump is bombing Yemen. You can’t have it both ways. And that sort of shoots your idiotic framing of “Trump as this awesome peace maker” right out of the water.

Ah. There we go. More unearned confidence in unproven claims and assumptions. Not to mention more logical fallacies.

So now you’re claiming Iran has a nuclear weapon? Jesus. Every reply you make less and less sense. Go home. Take a break. Really.

Yes. If only the JCPA could’ve included conversion of Iran to Christianity and negotiated an NFL franchise!