
Suuuuuuper compelling argument, brah.

“That agreement was garbage.”

What an incredulous amount of bullshit.

Maybe because this might also be committed by Saudis.

If it was only the neocons. Checkout the jingoism on display at Japlopnik/Foxtrot Alpha. It’s like they can’t get started bombing Iranian grade Schoolers soon enough.

HAHAHAH. Nice recovery from your total inability to add a series of numbers.

And if we go to war that’s going to “impact us” as well. If by “us” you generally mean America’s young men with low economic opportunity who tend to join the US military in greater numbers. Who come home in pieces. Not to mention over 200,000 dead Iraqis and the $3-4 trillion the last war impacted us with.

Me. I’ll resist it. Because we have only throughly unreliable actors in charge of the so-called evidence. The fucking Saudis, who fucking murdered a journalist in their own god damned embassy and lied about it and got away with it. Who also funded global Jihadi and terrorist organizations who attack the US and it’s

So. Are you signing up then? If it’s so crucial I’m sure you’ll go right down to the recruiter and volunteer right?

And wars don’t cause the price of oil to skyrocket? Does nobody remember the last two gulf wars and what that did to oil prices?

And the evidence was “clear” that Iraq had WMD and was trying to buy yellow cake from Niger... and there was some secret meeting in Prague or Budapest or...

Oh, for fuck sake.. The breathless hype and credulity on display in this article.

Well, golly. It’s a good thing our so-calledintelligence services” have never been used to “trump” up evidence — say, something... something... yellow cake... something... WMD... something — to deceive the American public into a disastrous war in the Middle East before, then.

This “Get Down on it” moron is just a troll. Dismiss him.

“Lost for 40 years?” uhhhhhhhh...

Yes. In an era that just elected a demented-trust fund baby-self proclaimed rapist-draft dodging-gameshow host? Yes. If Warren nor Sanders were an option, Biden is better than any of the suicidal revanchist lunatics on the right. Hands down.

Absolutely. This country should be over joyed at the prospect of with there these people as leader.

Nonsense. He’s totally right. MOST systems are a blend of capitalist and socialist principles. What doesn’t inspire confidence is your total lack of argument or facts disproving what he said.

Oh, bullshit. Unmitigated horse shit from top to bottom. She was an incredible advocate for consumer rights and tireless watchdog who literally created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that corporate America did everything — spent hundreds of millions lobbying — to bring down. Warren is painted as a fanatical

Briscoe Cain is wearing daddy’s hat.