
HAHAHA. Pushed? You mean “barely squeaked.” A 2 point victory in North god damned Carolina against a candidate who nobody knew is less than impressive. Not to mention the only way the corrupt GOP got the last victory was by ACTUAL ELECTION FRAUD. And why they had to have the special election in the first place. Or did

And why is it dated today if he said he resigned last night?

This isn’t news to those of us with family ties to Wasilla. Those two fucking grifters HAAAAAATTTTTE each other and have for years. He’s cheated on her constantly. And of course she’s nuts. The only thing that bonded them was their tiny little financial empire of ripping off the gullible Fox News consumers. And that

ooooh... Star-Edge-Lord.

Whistle blowing... to he fucking Russian FSB? Fuck yes. And it wasn’t “whistle blowing.” It was indiscriminate leaking of of thousands of classified, unvetted communiqués via what we now know as the intelligence apparatus of our strategic enemy who happens to be a totalitarian murderer. He could’ve vetted the material

And Valadmir Putin isn’t a fucking war criminal? Jesus Christ. It’s like wanting to expose the Allied bombing of Dresden and running to Stalin. I mean Jesus Christ. Have some perspective here.

Julian Assange is a a rapist, a grudge holding opportunist, a Russian Asset, and he couldn’t give a shit about truth or justice.

They were called Bloke Caps/Hats or Scally Caps where I’m from.

Sigh. Yes. Most shootings occur with hand guns. I said that. Reading comprehension, dude. What I said is of the people shot by rifles the percentage of fatalities is higher than those shot by handguns. That’s why every military in the world issues rifles not just sidearms. They kill better. It makes perfect sense to

Never forget that 46% of women (and around 47% of white women) who voted in the 2016 presidential election voted for Trump. He doesn’t have to get many to tilt the electorate in his favor.

There are some theories by not totally ridiculous intelligence analysts that North Korea’s big 2017 hydrogen bomb they tested wasn’t developed by them but an old bomb given to them by Putin. And perhaps even detonated and supervised by Russians to create a pants shitting crisis in the US that Trump would somehow

I miss the Cold War Tom Clancy (who died in 2013) . I mean at least that paranoia and jingoism made a little sense. It was a guilty pleasure.

If “enough” people? Give me a number. 5 million? 50 million? 200 million? You have quantify that shit. And then back it up with some, you know, evidence. Because we are nowhere near capacity.

Nope. Completely wrong. Ammunition from most modern rifles exceed 2,500 feet per second. Most handguns are around 1000 ft/s. Rifle rounds cause far more fatalities as a percentage; ie: mass shootings have higher fatality rates because gun nuts use rifles.

Hi. I’m a gun owner. Grew up hunting. All that shit. And I can’t even begin to tell you how full of shit your comment is.

Ah, yes. Never too early for the ‘ol “no true scotsman” logical fallacy!

Oh for fuck sake. I’m speaking as a gun owner here - your comment underscores not only how ignorant Americans are but how god damned lazy they are.

Since you deliberately chose a screen name that refers to a society of warmongering pederasts who were utterly dependent on slavery and ritual murder it’s hard to look at your comment as being in good faith.

This will be the first and only time I say this about Donald Trump: He’s not entirely full of shit on this.

This is a barbaric practice and this sort of predictably breathless panty-misting jock-riding horseshit in support of this monstrous tradition is pathetic and vile. You should be ashamed.