
Whoa, still upset about the Raptors?

So did you actually read it?  Also, calm your tits.

This is an entirely irrational response to my assertion that people don’t read.

I don’t want to burst any bubbles but he’s going to say the things we already know from the report - he won’t make a call about Trump’s guilt or probable guilt, he’ll say Congress should act within their purview if they feel so inclined, and he’ll make a bunch of statements that can be taken out of context for Trump

Ok, going Kinja-meta with my question here, how were you grey on the reply you gave here, but not grey when you replied to my grey reply upthread, which ungreyed my reply?

Who the fuck brought that fucktard out the greys?

I can’t imagine having the time and inclination to put that much effort into commenting on the internet.

She had power, and she used that power to hurt people instead of protecting them or surrendering her power. That’s it. “Underneath” doesn’t matter, she’s destroyed families and given children psychological scars that they will carry for their entire lives. There is always a choice, she chose to hurt those people

Fortunately, “just following orders” has rarely been an effective defense.

I legit can’t fucking believe Laser Swords is ungreyed and I’m not.

We should remember that Eichmann was horrible mostly as a result of his job. His job made him do some things that were unpalatable, but he had no choice but to do them.

Where are the 16 felony counts against Wohl for filling a false police report.

It sort of makes you wonder what we would have accomplished if David Brooks had been there to say “...but it might be difficult. Best not to try at all.”

Bill Maher reserves the first amendment right to criticize, as a comedian, all religions, which he has done unmericifully for over a decade. I am more uncomfortable with the “Islamophobia’ label.: pure PC BS. Remember, the hallmark of a conservative is zero sense of humor.

I don't think 538 belongs in here. The stupid real time election stunts they pulled yes, but otherwise there are certainly other bigger idiots for this list!!

Bill Maher should not be on here.

What a cool guy he is, taking time from his busy career spreading hate and oppressing the rights of millions of Americans to read some badly written lines on national TV. And this will only further the media push this man has, meaning even more people will be hurt by his policies. Thanks, SNL, for giving bigots a bear

Whatever. Crenshaw is a Republican. With one eye, he can still look in the mirror and see a piece of shit.