
If you care to read my comment again, you'll notice I said that not all JW is bad. I said that because I've enjoyed gold label (I have tried green as well, but it isn't as good), and it is a genuinely good blend. However, for the price of that bottle you can get something much better, like a Macallan 15 or Aberlour's

When you're talking about which JW is best, I like to avoid insulting another person's palate, because while not all Johnnie Walker is awful, it is awfully overpriced. JW is the Bose of Whisky.

While I have to commend you for finding what you want, there are easier, faster, cheaper, and better tasting alternatives. When I got tired of cleaning my kitchen counter more often than I clean my bathroom, I decided to fix it. I thought about buying a better grinder that wouldn't be as prone to static charge or

Wow, you're the first person I've seen that likes those. Everyone I've talked to absolutely hates it, and every damn time I've tried to make one work, the coffee either clogs the filter or comes out under-extracted.

The both of you need to get your taste buds examined.

They're pretty much the same thing. Sunny D has HFCS as its sweetener, and of course is water based. The Crystal Light powder is made up of citric acid, flavor, and vitamin C. Despite being a bastardization of OJ, Sunny D actually has more nutrients than the crystal light, some of which might actually be derived from

...and that's just about as far from an orange as you can get.

Anyone who doesn't consider flash worth using is clearly not a professional photographer. Flash is light like any other - when you have to fight the light to make a photo, just substitute your own. That isn't to say that every photo NEEDS flash, but if photos that need flash don't need to be taken, say goodbye to

Direct flash usually looks nasty. If you're indoors, you can always bounce, but outdoors you run into problems, especially if you're with other photographers. You can always set up lights, but that isn't practical in a lot of situations (like when your subject is moving around or you need to be mobile). A lot of the

That's not a leap year. That's something they're calling an Xtr(a) Week. It occurs every 5/6 years following some pattern that I don't remember and don't feel like looking up.

leap year is every 4th year, unless that year is the turn of a century, I believe...

They're both right! The brother was right that Lost is a cobbled-together pile of trash, and the sister is right that it ended.

The one on the right is an example of classic window (or Rembrandt) lighting. The original article is pretty good if you have to previsualize a lighting setup and don't have your model there...and have continuous lights :|

There are tons of $2 bills in circulation.

Only one of those choices is a comedian; the other is a joke.

The best part is that, with a few tweaks, the PC will also run osX. I have both a desktop PC and a macbook pro, and each is better for different things (joke - the PC is good for work, games, and internet; the macbook is good for facebook). I'm not a fanboy for either side, but I really just wanted to shoot back "I

Well, thunderbolt is Intel tech anyway...

Disc breaks are significantly heavier than rim breaks, so most road and mountain bikes intended for racing still use them. That is to say, bicycles that assuredly cost more than $500 and are certainly not "low-end."

Again, you are the only one that has said any of this. I really appreciate how a corrections thread has been hijacked into a political flamewar.

I don't believe anyone has mentioned Obama before now, but it is nice to have your unsolicited opinion.