If you're wetshaving, you should just invest in a soap cake and a brush. The lather you'll get is way nicer than anything that comes in a can. Also, you don't smell like a woman afterwards. I use this stuff, and it is fantastic:
If you're wetshaving, you should just invest in a soap cake and a brush. The lather you'll get is way nicer than anything that comes in a can. Also, you don't smell like a woman afterwards. I use this stuff, and it is fantastic:
I'm blaming this one on the new comments system...I clicked on reply to jmalm. Oh well :|
Thanks a bunch!
"stable" = "staple"
I too would like an invite. tl2050[at]gmail[dot]com. Thanks!
Don't forget the Mexican food!
I wish you could buy a mac for ~$100 less without all the iLife crap installed. In the year I've had my MBP, I have used none of the programs in the iLife suite, and every description I have seen just says to me, "these are underpowered, userfriendly iBullshit programs."
Right. I don't really consider Starbuck's employees "baristas," whether they make drinks or not. I'm talking about the guy that grinds, weighs, and pours the water for your cup of coffee at the kind of place where it is made fresh by the cup in a cone or french press, and of course espresso drinks.
I disagree with the coffee/food retailer tip being optional. Baristas are literally bartenders, and should be tipped as such, except in the case where you're expected to pour your own coffee. However, if something is made and given to you, you should at least tip the change, if not more.
If you're going to a fancy restaurant with expensive food, you expect your server to be good. They are probably dressed up, and they know the specials, what wine to pair with what dish, etc. That's what you're paying for. If you want to pay $45 for a steak but want a Denny's server...go to Denny's. Being a waiter at a…
Tons of people watch movies. Movie critics study them. It isn't enough to know that The Dark Knight was a good movie and that X-Men: Origins wasn't. The key is in the why, and Ebert is very good at articulating the hows and whys of a movie.
Wouldn't salt wreak havoc on it? Wouldn't coral grow on it? Wouldn't some silly sea creature eat it? But nope, it somehow survived.
looking out my windows, cheap gas is 3.95 just outside of San Francisco. It's been between 4.15 and 4.50 for the last three months or so.
This is why Ebert is so important - most of America has terrible taste. A "cool" movie with kickass special effects may entertain you for 90 minutes, but a great movie with characters and plot and subplot will occupy you for a day, and it might even change your life.
I have to agree with all of those save the last one. AP Style (as well as MLA, which doesn't apply here) dictates that single digit numbers should be spelled out. Anything over nine should be written numerically.
I use spaces all the time, but only because alt+tab on osX sucks. I have three instances of chrome open...and I can't alt+tab between them, so they run on different spaces and I can ctrl+arrow between them. It is kludgy, but it works almost as well as running windows.
Safety Deposit Boxes have two keys - one for the bank, one for the tenant. They can't be opened separately.
pfft. That's what billmelater is for!
ugh, I can't believe their website doesn't have a store :(
"...assumption of the limitations of that device."