Thomas Jefferson Starship Enterprise

Let’s meet back here in four years to see how this fucking bet pays off.

Might actually class up the joint.

Me too we’ll have to settle for foreplay in the dark.

We’d have better country if more of us committed to sexcellence.

Just Wynn, Baby

Just when, baby?

Would have been better as “I’m SID Ponson, yes I’m the real Ponson,” but it still gets a star from me.

I’d forgotten all about Pound Puppies. I didn’t collect them, but I had one small one.

So you’re saying the CEO of a company is not responsible for employees being treated properly and fairly?

His father was Jack Buck, though. Imagine if his father was say, Mike Golic. His poor kid would have to work his way up from the mail room

CBS believes that Phil Simms is not only good at his job, but the best color commentator they have for football. It boggles the mind, doesn’t it Jeem?

It’s good to have goals.

Ronde Barber has been calling games for at least three years now, and I cannot think of a human being worse at their job than he is.

can’t go. fraid of clowns

Yes, but there is the extra work of not swearing, talking in (mostly) complete sentences, having the occasional cogent thought or opinion, and steering clear of the racist stuff, and not hiring prostitutes in a completely obvious way. Harder that you think. Just ask Ditka.

NFL head coaches are workaholics and intense competitors, but it seems that most of the guys that go into the broadcast booth (Dungy, Cower, Johnson, Gruden) seem to figure out that broadcasting is about one tenth as much work and just as much money. You still have to prepare and you still get second guessed by

Did you know Airwolf had another season in syndication with a completely different cast?

As a kid I had the models of Airwolf and Blue Thunder hanging from my ceiling in eternal dogfight. Until the thumb tacks gave out...

$250 Million dollar house with on-site masseuse, Ferraris and candy shop? Fuck that, I’ll be in the roof in this helicoper humming the Airwolf theme song. Does it come with the helmet with “bad guy’s dead” visor?

Motherfuckers better not try any of that shit. Already got the itchy trigger finger today after Hoffy got robbed again.