Thomas Jefferson Starship Enterprise

Alex Smith is an idiot too.

Yes. I can’t tell you how much they currently are though. So just plan on spending x dollars and y cents.

+1 Participation Trophy.

Wrong. The ACA was what Congress proposed, and was eventually signed into law, to give people who didn’t want Obozocare another option after what a disaster it proved to be shortly after it took effect.

Oh bullshit.

Thank God I get my insurance through the ACA so I’ll be fine when they repeal that Obamacare disaster.

Blows my mind how an NFL coach, in a nail biter playoff game, has only one time out left when the opposing team takes possession of the ball with 2:30 left and you need a stop to have a chance for a winning FG.

Dean Smith.

That fucking bitch. Leading you on like that.

If Skip Bayless guaranteed the sun was going to come up in the morning I’d bet against it.

Apparently you never watched when John Madden covered a Packers game in the Brett Favre era.

Yeah what an asshole Rodgers is for not saying BFF with Favre considering what a wonderful teammate Brett was in Green Bay.

The key word there being “gossip”

I’m sure Jerry will be crushed only as long as it takes for him to see the gate receipts from the game.

Damn Zeke just can’t let his competitiveness go can he?

As a Maple Leafs fan I hold the same belief about anyone playing for the Canadiens.

Uh uh. And for years we heard how Jeff Garcia was gay beyond any doubt.

Aaron’s parents believe that all marriages should be like theirs, where they were selected based off the interpretation of sacred scriptures and betrothed to be married to one another within a fortnight.

Short version: Aaron Rodgers and Olivia Munn have lots and lots of hot sex.

It’s too bad that, even with Aaron’s fame, they couldn’t continue to have the same kind of tight father/son relationship that Michael and Joe Jackson had.