Thomas Jefferson Starship Enterprise

He did bang Layla repeatedly in her prime.

Damn. That’s some cold blooded gang style execution shit.

So when you turned 22?

I agree that Dick is very knowledgeable about the game and is a pretty decent human being to boot. In some ways though that makes him more sad than Berman.

He also needs to cut out the name dropping.

I don’t think there’s a fan on the earth who met Ernie Harwell who had anything bad to say about the experience.

I always gave Dick Vitale credit that, if nothing else, he was an original.

That’s part of the “enhancing their persona” trap.

Berman was a victim of what happens to a lot these sports media clowns.

Thanks. I tried to make it very fundamentally sound.

She’s managing. Nancy Reagan has been a great source of support for her.

Too bad Dwight Eisenhower isn’t still alive.

Wasn’t that the group that was headed by that Scottish guy who were after Han Solo in The Force Awakens?

I felt the exact same way in the 1980's when the NBA kept selecting Larry Bird and John Stockton to the all star team every year in an obvious attempt to market the league’s white players.

Next season it’s going to look like every single Chargers player wearing their helmet somehow survived being touched by Voldermort.

Is the guy fucking one of the letters from the Nazi SS logo?

It’s a good idea if Spanos ever decides to sell the team to Zeus.

“Those fuckers stole the updated logo we were going to start using on our hats next season”

I wonder how the Inter City Firm is going to respond to this news.

When I was in the Navy my jack sock was to stiff by the end of a 7 month deployment that, if the need had ever arose, we could have used it in place of the nose gear on a F-14 and it would have had no problem supporting the plane’s weight.