Thomas Jefferson Starship Enterprise

Jaromir Jagr scoring it in fewer games than Ovi is far more impressive when you consider how he was still able to score so many goals early on in his career, despite all the crushing open ice checks he received from guys like Gordie Howe and Maurice Richard.

I think every college fanbase’s knee jerk reaction to a popular and successful coach getting fired would be to be upset and want to rush to his defense.

The Browns are currently trying to get in touch with this person to offer him a 5 year $75 million contract to be their QB next season.

“At the very least this allows us to finally dispense with the fiction that the NFL and its owners care about their fans, or about anything but profit.”

I’m sure after a few years of terrible attendance, and being Stan Kroenke’s bitch, Spanos is going to get tired of the whole thing and sell the team.

He basically decided years ago that the NC he led Syracuse to was the ultimate basketball achievement and more than enough to cement his status among the all time greats.

Nah. By 2024 OJ will be free and Trump will invite his “good friend” to have the honor to light the torch in the stadium where he played for USC, and in the city he called home when he brutally slashed his wife and Ron Goldman to death while his children were upstairs sleeping.

Here’s the criteria the IOC uses to determine if the games were successful.

I don’t understand the objection the NHLPA would have to adding an extra 5 minutes to overtime.

That was awesome.

I think they actually paid it off a few years ago.

I guess Frazier was actually “The Greatest”

I don’t doubt this could very well be real and many people think exactly this way.

You have some good points about where the real problem lay and where people should be directing the battle towards.

Yeah I hear that’s a very popular thing for Penn State fans to tell the people that were raped as children.

I’m not surprised.

So the ceremony honoring the 50th anniversary of Joe Paterno’s association with Penn State (45 as the HC and 5 as weed fertilizer) that they held during a game this year, where the vast majority of the 95,000 people in Beaver Stadium cheered wildly, represent a “small minority” of PSU fans?

I find that people who use the phrase “Only God Can Judge Me” and especially the ones that have it tattooed on them, are basically saying “I’m going to fucking hurt as many people as I feel like and, if I ever get called out on it, use this bullshit phrase to justify my actions and make you feel bad for thinking they

“They don’t have you on film hitting a woman?”

Is this real?