Thomas Jefferson Starship Enterprise

Reality wasn’t too high on the list of a lot of people who hated Trump but protest voted or didn’t vote to show their unhappiness with Hillary and the system.

No problem.

Preaching to the choir.

“Growth” is a very subjective term.

Because, in their mind, it’s all the fault of those goddamned negros, gays and foreigners that liberals have allowed to ruin the American dream.

Because people are fucking stupid and will just take whatever bullshit is shoved in front of them at face value, something Republicans have extremely good at doing over the last decade.

True, but public sector unions are the last stronghold. Private ones got fucked in the ass a long time ago.

They never issued a verdict. The court split 4-4 which meant the lower California court’s verdict in favor of the unions stood.

Republicans will find some bullshit excuse of “public safety” to exempt police, they always do.

And if grandma had balls she’d be grandpa.

Yeah and if unions were better at educating their members that voting Republican is the worst thing you can do for your financial security, maybe we wouldn’t be in this shitty conundrum either.

Jesus. Can you at least do a quick proofread of things like your last sentence, to make sure it makes any sense, before you post it?

Hate to tell you this Hamilton but, once the Scalia vacany is filled, the Friedrichs case is going to be reheard in the Supreme Court and is going to win, which will basically turn the whole country into WTR.

Not just in the Deep South. My grandfather worked the line for GM and always spoke highly of the black men he worked with, had a weekly poker group with some of the men and I have no doubt would have loaned them money in a heartbeat if they ever needed some.

At least he’s got his priorities straight.

I’m actually relieved Bowden only said players wear earrings “Because they were raised by their mommas” as opposed to his saying “Because they’re a bunch of total dadgum faggots.”

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

Which is even more ironic when you realize that one of the top teams in the 10th Division is Manchester Divided.

+1 Make the U.K. great again.

Got it.