Thomas Jefferson Starship Enterprise

Wow!!!! That was a 9.8 degree of difficulty. Well done.

Counterpoint: Jacksonville got an NFL franchise.

Royal envisions the stadium as part of a wider citywide revitalization that will also include building the state’s largest bootstrap factory.

Wouldn’t the Cornhuskers have to sign off on allowing another professional franchise so close to Lincoln?

Thanks. But we really should stop these Shanahangans and act like adults.

It was neat Howe the crowd cheered for the kid like that.

Not counting the Russian Red Army.

The Salvation Army must be pretty disappointed.

That’s not true.

Or Fred Taylor.

In a poll taken after Bradley’s firing the overwhelming numbering of responses fell into two main categories:

Just remember the Marines are part of the Department of the Navy.........They’re the men’s department.

I was extremely puzzled when Khan made the comment “Firing a coach is a dish that is best served cold.”

Probably not, but if the Packers wised up and fired his worthless ass at least they wouldn’t be the victims and of his “just run out the clock” strategy.

I shouldn’t have said it.

If you think we work too much now, just wait until Social Secruity and worker wage and job safety and protection laws are elimnated. People in Vietnam are going to be wearing clothes that all say “Made in USA” because labor will be so cheap.

Yeah but our reputation to a large part of the world is being fat and lazy.

Well they surprised the crew of the USS Bunker Hill that’s for sure.

They should flip the script and ask Maeda if he’d be willing to throw some soft pitches to some elderly Japanese baseball fans and have one of them disguised as Ichiro and have him crank it.

For a culture that has the reputation of being a bunch of straight laced workaholics, the Japanese come up with some of most hilarious bat shit crazy comedy around.