Thomas Jefferson Starship Enterprise

Does today’s throttling of the Browns cause the Bills FO to reconsider? Perhaps sign him to a 2 year extension instead?

Hmmmm you’ve really got a point there, maybe Michigan/Ohio State should play their football game in Los Angeles since there are clearly fans of both schools outside of Ann Arbor and Columbus.

I’m personally sick of all these big non conference match ups that take place in neutral sites as part of some “invitational”

Well done sir.

I think it’s great these schools aren’t being a bunch of big pussies about this flap and will snatch the opportunity to punish these little twats for their misogynistic comments.

Upon the news that the Minnesota players had ended their boycott, prices on StubHub for prime seats on the 50 yard line for the Holiday Bowl skyrocketed and are currently as high as $8.64 per seat.

I worked with a lesbian who took another job that was in Monroe. I almost begged her to reconsider because I knew what was waiting for her down there.

Better starting to learn how to use the force quick if you think this could happen.

Like it would do any good. Pence is an evil piece of shit himself.

Your points are totally valid and I’m not happy with what the Democrats have become, but if you have a choice between getting punched in the face or having a knife jammed right into your chest, you take the punch in the face and try and make the best of it. You don’t say “I’ll take the knife to teach a lesson to that

No kidding.

You’re such an asshole.

Damn.....Nice switcheroo there!

Yeah I know some people who didn’t vote, or protest voted Stein or Johnson, because of their “morals” who are absolutely losing their shit over Trump’s appointments.

Fuck em. I know I tried, as you probably did too, to get people to get their heads out of their asses and see the reality of what was going to be if Trump got elected and that voting Hillary was the only viable option for stopping it, and I have the elevated blood pressure readings to prove it.

Well trying to use facts and reason with them didn’t do a fucking thing. I doubt trying to “be nice and understanding” is going to do the trick at this point.

Fuck you you butt hurt shithead.

Yep, I’m with you.

What a crock of shit. Liberals have also been more supportive of policies that have given a lot of rural middle America much more financial stability than they would have otherwise had. If it had been up to Republicans these people would have been left to die in the street decades ago.
