Thomas Jefferson Starship Enterprise

Except if something is powerful enough to destroy that bridge, I don’t think they’re going to be that many ships left to sail or sailors to man them.

The Donald Trump who interviewed the Michelle Rhee you seem to worship as a possible Secretary of Education?

So long Spanos. Don’t let the Gates hit you in the ass on your way out.

I’m guessing you have your rejection letter from UM proudly framed on your wall in your trailer.

Get your stinking hands off me you damn dirty Redskins!!!

And Spurrier’s ties to Florida were much stronger. He won the Heisman Trophy as a player and was THE individual who took Florida to elite level status. As much as Harbaugh is loved in Ann Arbor, Spurrier was a god in Gainesville.

You see no issue with her going around the country and shitting on school districts left and right, claiming she is a fighter for students and she’s going to raise 100 million to give them a chance at a better education and, then only after a few years saying “eh forget it.....I’m out.” Causing her organization to

Starring Burgess Meredith as Jerry Jones.

Does any Cowboys fan here know who is in line to become the owner when Jones dies?

Stop saying he “literally” accomplished everything he could.

Yeah you’re right. A guy who is a successful and beloved coach at his alma matter, where he was a successful and beloved player, would never leave for the pros.

I’ve believed from the start Harbaugh ultimately wants a Super Bowl, especially with his brother having a ring, and it’s just a question of when the right opportunity opens up for him to return to the NFL.

What are you talking about?

Uh her “impressive stint” as D.C. chancellor included several allegations of unethical behavior, including the fixing of test scores and firing people for personal vindictive reasons, which ultimately led to her own dismissal.


Whoa, wait. Nike trying to get people to believe that an expensive, fancy looking shoe with a special name will make you a better athlete......that’s awful.

Uh he looked considerably bigger than JB. I don’t think he would have had much trouble handling him in a fight.  

Where is Tie Domi when you need him?

Nope. Graduated from a school in another Power 5 conference.

That would have been priceless.