Thomas Jefferson Starship Enterprise

Again the timing in LA was excellent. Shaq and Kobe had taken their lumps and were ready to take the next step. Just like LeBron, Jordan and the Bad Boy Pistons got slapped around for a few years before they won it all.

Well I guess that’s good if true.

Yeah I’m sure Jordan, Pippen, Shaq and Kobe would be ringless if Jackson hadn’t been their coach (eye roll)

After a Detroit Tigers spring training game we waited in the lot after the game. Alan Trammell, Lou Whittaker, Lance Parish and most other players signed some autographs for the kids.

That’s nonsense.

The Butt Rams?

Yeah but if they reconfigured it for soccer it would mean the following

I hear the Edward Jones Dome isn’t being used much these days.

I’m sure he was thinking “Goddamn, it was so much easier when the teams I’ve worked for already had the best player in the league on the roster when I took the job.”

Unfortunately Phil Jackson wasn’t around to see it because he was hiding in his office during the game, while getting stoned off his ass on Maui Wowie.

Shit. You’re going to make a killing on the market when Trump establishes the Department of Blue Whale Slaughter.

Yeah, but I mean at the end, when he actually died, that was very sudden

That’s nothing. We’ve been having to resort to using dried horse manure to run the central web server at my company. Do you know how slow it runs on that?

Which are going to reopen now that Trump is in charge.......giggle, giggle.

It’s like, when the Red Sox signed Sale, the Yankees lost their shit and had to do something, no matter how stupid. Like some Hollywood studio desperate for a hit.

In higher than I thought, but not high enough damnit. Gotta make sure I get mine by making sure everyone else doesn’t get theirs. The American Way!!!!!!

The only reason Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, all the people at Briebart and countless other mainstream conservatives aren’t Nazis is because they live in 2016 and realized they have to be a little more subtle in their approach.

Looks like the rapid rise of the top 1% started right around 1981.........gee I wonder whose economic policies could have been put into place at that time that was the catalyst for it.

If they’re going to be accurate about it, the tweets should suddenly stop at 8:06am Honolulu time.
