I’m not saying the Alfa Romeo Carabo is the best concept car ever. I’m merely saying the case could be made.
This is my all time favorite car joke. “It looks like you blew a seal” is standard fodder in my garage...
How was this not suggested? I’ve seen it posted so many times here, and it still cracks me up every time.
I second the CJ. They’re perfect beach cars.
if you have driven one, (I own a 97 5spd) and have heard the subtle baritone of the vq30de at about 2700-3200 in 2nd and 3rd speed at 3/4 throttle after the car is warmed up on a 65 degree f. day, then you will know what I mean.
I. disagree.
My Dad had that when I was a kid. Solid blue all over, no paneling, with a 3 on the tree. Miss it…
Easy Choice. International Harvester Travelall. Fits the family and more. Practically bullet proof engines, 2wd or 4wd, simple technologies, some have power steering, some have A/C, an LS swap is also easily done . You can find them between 2k and 15k depending how much rust you’d like to buy. Undercoat it and spray a…
Hands down agreed. Had a 66 Ford Custom 2-Door. Fantastic automobile.
Go for the Rambler wagon.
I clicked the comments section at the hopes of seeing a Call of Duty reference. You did not disappoint.