
A 2015 Jeep Cherokee. Poverty-spec with the damndest transmission I’ve ever experienced. Downshifts were exceedingly slow and abrupt gear changes in stop and go traffic had convinced more than one time that I had been rear-ended. It would be an insult to sh!t to call it sh!tty. 

Along the same lines, but factory, the Geo Metro convertible. I rented one on Maui once. It was a ton of fun for a beach vacation car, despite being a piece of crap.

Best Falcon is Monte Carlo Falcon:

The Falcon is a beautiful car. But I still love those early Mustangs.

Vagabond Falcon is best Falcon because BROWN.

Omega Constellation with the piepan dial is one of my all time favs.

Go home Ford, you’re drunk!

Something like...hnnngghhhgghhhnhhhhhh

This is why you don’t have interns doing all of your social media.

I want to see Mr Regular’s reaction to this tweet. Ive never seen anybody gush so openly about Falcons in my life.

And that you have $6,000 to blow on a watch.

Ju’ hang it round yo neck

I had to stab it with a screwdriver and it made a mess

But OHC/FI is a game changer... It was on the Pontiac Sunbirds.

One of my friends in high school had a Grand Am that had “4 wheel disk” molded into the brake pedal pad :-P

My dad’s 1988 F-250 had a chrome “EFI” badge on the front to brag that Ford had finally put fuel injection on their cars.

Only up to 128 bees? What a shit feature. In a world of 64-bit processing, they only saw fit to give the bee swarm 7-bit depth? I appreciate the fact that they used the eigth bit for error-correction, but come on. Would it kill them to at least use a 16-bit die?

Go back in time even further, and GM cars had badges that proudly announced “DISC BRAKES”.

My saturn has a light on the dash to brag about the ABS all the time