
I can really appreciate your enthusiasm for learning to do all this stuff. You jump right in and take on projects that more experienced folks might not. Then you whack the starter with a hammer to fix an intermittent electrical connection. And it works. You know what would happen to me? I would whack it and it would

So, “screw it,” I thought, “what could possibly go wrong?”

Wow, this is good Jalopnik.

This is the fix to your addiction David. You have been rewarded with junk yard success (the high), it can only add fuel to the Jeep drug. Your poor neighbors.

That was a great writeup. Like a one-man Wheeler Dealers put to a web page.

I’ll see you in hell! I hear its nice there.

I feel horrible for laughing at this.

Oh no, Thomas! Confusion and delay! And grievous bodily injury! And a natural gas leak! And lawsuits!

I know exactly what happened...

Here is a police sketch of the conductor, who fled the scene immediately after the crash. Anyone with knowledge of his whereabouts is encouraged to contact the Hoboken Police Department.

Regional differences be damned, it was and shall always be “slug bug”

This was one of Mr. Regular’s best reviews to date. As an unapologetic PT Cruiser hater, I can agree with his assessment. I’ve spent a lot of time pondering the PT Cruiser and have always said that if I had no choice I would drive one. It would be fine. But it would go to the junkyard when I was done with it out of

Seriously; that was the best part of the whole review.

That Limited Edition badge is like a participation trophy for cars.

You know when you know you’re old? When you perk the fuck up and pay attention during Mr. Regular’s brief lecture on postmodernism and American ideals. Anti-intellectual philistines are going to complain that is was boring or stupid or had nothing to do with cars. Those people are missing the point. Shit like this is

Kids just ruin everything. :)

I will NEVER marry someone who makes me give up cars I love. Just wouldn’t do it. If they loved me, they would know how much the car meant to me and would want me to keep it until I’m ready to move on.

Kid here. Can confirm

UOTD right there. (Understatement Of The Day (TM))

Kids just ruin everything. :)