Can’t believe that books about Hitler’s art career mention the war and genocide. Can’t they just stick to the paintings?
Every so often I remember that Limbaugh died and I get a little frisson of glee.
Was the “offscreen he was an evil Republican” aside necessary?
Correct. Don’t care to hear about some “some cops are good!”...we see time and time again, cops will ratify and support their bad cop friends by joining the badness. Look at this video. Another cop just rolled in to support his cop friend to get some government sanctioned and supported beat-down of a guy; No attempt…
yes yes it does.
Look up the term logical fallacy my dude because you just did more than a few.
The cop purposefully ran around the rear of his cruiser, taking longer to get to the actual crime he was there to support, just to shove Guss. Then gets sensitive when called a name, and reverses to show how tough he is, still not supporting the officers there for the chase.
The guy that was arrested was backing up the entire time while the cop was the aggressor.
If I were his neighbor, I’d endeavor to have this “work of art” protected as a landmark, forcing the owner to shell out money every year to keep the mural in tip-top shape.
I’m guessing you’re an attorney.
And this is why I refuse to buy a single family home with any sort of HOA and I’ll have a look at the city ordinances before I buy one without an HOA. I can live with a condo and HOA, as I do right now, but when I leave Hawaii next year, the first requirement out of my mouth when talking to a realtor will be, “No HOA,…
“I’m always amused when people use the argument that they’ve been breaking the law for years, and no one enforced it. As though it’s a reasonable argument in any other circumstance”
It’s such a joy watching this company destroy itself.
It would make my whole year if one of them spontaniously broke out in flames and then spread to all of the cars around it.
Good thing Elmo fired all of the people who actually work on promoting/selling those cars!
Those of us who’s nose isn’t glued to a screen 24x7x365?
Wow. You walked right into that pile. That stench is gonna last for a while.
Have you ... tried reading the article?
interesting that there are cars on this list that are just over $20k and yet getting marked up. It is almost like the dealers know people want cheap cars.