Yes, I’ve found the quality of BK varies a lot by location.
Yes, I’ve found the quality of BK varies a lot by location.
Banning tik tok seems like a good idea.
I completely forgot they had physical stores and there was one not far from me from YEARS that I drove by all the time. Competely invisible brand.
I can only assume that those 27 restaurants don’t have a Peruvian chicken place within 100 miles.
This was a thirsty, labor intensive ship and I believe it was heavily subsidized by the federal government for its possible use as a troopship. Running it would tax the resources of governments and would probably break a billionaire.
Between this rusty old boat and that other one, The Queen Mary, the answer is simple: sink them. Turn them into artificial reefs--at least let the fish get some good out of their rusty hulks.
Yeah I’ve been following this ship since I first heard about it. At this point, unless some angel investor with about $1B steps in, this thing is destined to be scrapped, like all the beautiful ocean liners before her. It’s a pity, but it’s been completely gutted. None of the original fittings remain on the…
I’m guessing that all of their locations will close in a few months, but their line of frozen meals will still be around.
This is pretty sad. And I fear the only this ship has as scrap.
Dessert is my favorite there too, although cheese fondue is a close second. When my whole family goes, we usually get the 3 course menu and leave stuffed to the gills. One time, I took one kid there for only the cheese + chocolate courses, and it worked for me.
I went to The Melting Pot a few months ago, it was pretty good, if a bit overpriced for food I had to cook myself while keeping track of time so I didn’t give myself food poisoning.
3BP is exactly the kind of thematically rich tour de force D&D are perfect for sinking their teeth into. I am especially happy that they are highly unlikely to sacrifice some of the more unpalatable and less flattering truths about human nature that the book espouses.
I am actually excited for this but I am not excited for the weirdos who won’t get over the final season of Game of Thrones being bad being even more vocal.
Before vegetable swap - Crisco was mostly lard. I haz an old.
Much of that frosting is (still) made with vegetable shortening. Think Crisco, but a generic version sold in 15 pound buckets. It’s stable at room temp, so there’s little chance of it going rancid like butter could. At best, the frosting made that way tastes of nothing but sugar. At worst, ...
It was the ‘70s so it probably actually contained industrial chemicals. Have fun with your cancer!
I can’t recall ever enjoying a grocery store cake. The frosting is always awful. Even as a kid I’d scrape it off. I’d rather make a box cake than buy one at a grocery store.
I remember grocery store cakes in the 1970s that had frosting that was so industrial chemical tasting with a nasty aftertaste that as kids we asked out mom to stop getting us birthday cakes. Any one know why frosting tasted so bad?
“BM Sauce” is making me think of something much less appetizing... :(