To really offend people, I also enjoy a port spritzer. I don’t really muck around with flavours--bog standard sparkling water suits me fine--but it is a nice little treat at the end of the day.
“I’d never heard of this mayo style until I stumbled upon this Reddit thread from 10 years ago (!!!) discussing the stuff.”
Yeah, that’s the passengers.
If you’ll believe in a magical sky man, you’ll believe the GOP has your best interests at heart.
I got dun my research. Did you know the Klintons steal children and send them to Mars on pizza shaped UFOs.
Oh, I know fully well about the "believe in fake shit" crowd, my parents are Christians.
That’s pretty much the MAGA crowd in its entirety. They are all about knee-jerking to memes and headlines.
It was the 70s... where to start?
Absolutely horrifying image, thank you
This meme is making the frogs gay
The real news of this article.
The meme is literally for the dumbs that think education is the stepping stone to becoming a commie pinko gay trans bathroom licker.
Fuck off if you don't give a shit about your fellow humans.
I’ve only ever heard this from the most boring and stupid people on the planet, the kinds of folks who have never picked up a book that an English teacher didn’t hand to them. People with actual intellect and useful high-level skills are foul-mouthed and do not suffer fools. Eat shit dork.
(shrug) it kinda sounds like ya care though. i mean, you cared enough to make a burner account over it
If you were intelligent enough, you would realise what a dumb ass take you had. There was nothing intelligent about you opinion.